Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy

*ATTENTION* The post below is very book-review-like, but I'll try my best to add some fun elements in it. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

First of all, The Hunger Games is awesome. And I'd like people to stop the 'Team Peeta' or 'Team Gale' stuff. Or maybe I shall give you this: I'm on TEAM-THIS-IS-NOT-FREAKING-TWILIGHT-STOP-THIS-WHOLE-PIECE-OF-STUPID-TEAM-STUFF. And just a reminder to you guys, listen to 'Safe & Sound' by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars, it's a perfect song for the movie. Check it out yo --->

Now, time to talk about the book. The first book, it's full of suspension and all, but the story concentrates on how Katniss survives in the Games, and the trilogy isn't just about this stuff, it's about justice, the pain of losing your loved ones, the pain to witness the death of your friends, the need to fight, and mostly, THE EFFECT OF WAR. I've read about wars on the newspaper and articles via web, but I can't really feel attached to the feeling of the victims. But, after reading The Hunger Games, I can finally feel it. It's painful. It's harsh.

In the first book, it's about how Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch plans to stay alive-- and they actually made it. Whereas in the second book, the Games officially began. I don't mean the fighting and all in the arena, I mean the Games of the people's life. Katniss has to suffer to make sure she doesn't make any mistakes, because every move she makes might just make President Snow to kill someone, somewhere out there. The uprising and all those suspense, it's in the second book. Chills. I mean, almost everyone knows about the rebel plan, except for Katniss, who's supposed to be the first one to know. Isn't it irony? But, in some way, I think it's smart of Haymitch not to inform Katniss before the 75th Hunger Games end, because Katniss is not a good emotion-hider. She might just ruin the whole plan if he tells her about the whole "Katniss-you're-going-to-be-the-Mockingjay" stuff.

And another thing I like about 'Catching Fire' is that the part where they announced the Quarter Quell's games rule, and what happens is that all victors will have to be back into the arena to fight to the death...again. That's the best part of the whole book, I guess. The Games is more terrifying as there are more 'games' planned by the Gamemakers, aka Plutarch, instead of just forcing the tributes to kill each other, the unpredictable monkeys, fog, lightning etc has killed some of the tributes. And, what's funny about the 75th Annual Hunger Games is that everyone...almost everyone is trying to protect Katniss & let her be the victor, except for Katniss. Even when she thought that Johanna & Finnick were just pretending to befriend with her, they were actually trying to protect her, so that she'll survive and be the Mockingjay and lead the rebels to fight the Capitol.

My collection of the trilogy (UK version):

I've just begun reading 'Mockingjay' & it's really haunting. Like, the surprise existence of District 13 & the lost of District 12? Just, WOW.
And there are some parts of the trilogy that makes me die a little inside:
1) Where Katniss screams, "I VOLUNTEER!! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE."
2) The part where the Peacekeepers take down an old man while Katniss & Peeta were on their Victory Tour. It's like, increasing the burden & pressure that's holding on Katniss' shoulder, forcing her to surrender.
3) The part where Cinna was beaten by the Peacekeepers. He's like one of the coolest characters in the books, and when he died... GOODNESS.
4) The part where Katniss heard Prim's screaming in the arena. FOR GOODNESS SAKE, YOU STUPID JABBERJAY.
5) The part where Haymitch & Plutarch finally informed Katniss about the uprising plan. SURPRISE. SURPRISE.

Right now, until where I last read about the existence of District 13 & Gale complains about the strictness of District 13, I'm really upset about the lost of District 12. Imagine, just try to imagine, your hometown being burnt down into ashes, and skulls were everywhere. And YOU, YOU are the reason why they're dead. If I were Katniss, I'd just kill myself. But, as a leader, Katniss has to make everyone in District 13 to know about their plan to fight with the Capitol. This is the only way to make their living more peaceful, to make their life less painful-- to fight with the Capitol AND to stop The Hunger Games.

After reading THG trilogy, I understand more about the harsh feeling of the victims AND also the soldiers who are fighting for their country. The feeling when you don't know how many days, or maybe hours, even minutes left in your life, and you just want to make your loved ones not to feel upset. That's what I learnt, to cherish every moment with our loved ones since we're the lucky ones, sitting here, doing nothing but to continue watching our life goes on. It's really hard to fight when the fight ain't fair, but what else can they do? They're under pressure. Capitol wants them to do this and that, and forces them to, almost death. But, we always need to fight, because when you have a team, everything's gonna be easier. And, I also know that Katniss will make it through-- to stop the starve, to stop the drop of another tears, to stop the war, to stop killing other innocent people. And if she wanna stop all the above, the only thing she can do is to stop Capitol, stop The Hunger Games.


"Eyes Open" is a song that can totally describe the feeling of the tributes of the Games and it's about losing innocence. If you want to survive, you have to keep your eyes open, and to differentiate the goods & bad ones, to pick the right ones to be your allies, to beware of the harm that could happen anytime, anywhere. Listen to it here --->

I don't think it's the Games that terrifies me the most, it's the starve, the pain that the people in District 1-12 suffers that makes me fall in love with the trilogy. I don't know how can the author picture all the emotions of war into these three books, but it definitely makes every reader hold their breathe while reading. I know I'm not the only one. And I'll bet you anything, that The Hunger Games is going to be EPIC. EPIC, I tell you.

"I'll be the Mockingjay." - The Girl On Fire.

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