Thursday, November 8, 2012

Birthday and Stuff

November 2nd - my 14th birthday. That was straightforward enough.
So, I received quite an amount of presents this year. I've always loved my family. They always give me stuff that I want, and also, RED is one of them. I'm a lucky girl and I appreciate it.

And the birthday wishes I get this year are 90% from people I see everyday in school, and also a small percentage of them are from my old school. Love it. Well, they're just Facebook wishes. However, I still feel really happy about it.

My friend even dedicated a blog post for me--

Love them.

Well, alright done with the birthday stuff. I'm still the happy-go-lucky me, and I'm happy about it. But right now I'm bored, so if you could see my face right now, it's the Kristen Stewart-face. But now I'm thinking about the supper I'm going to get later, so...ohhhhh yesssssss.

I've been spending these past few days hiding in my room, with my computer and my headphones. Been watching a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy, trying to catch up my friend's TV show-watching-speed. She's horrid. RED, 1D, Ellie Goulding, Ed Sheeran, Westlife, Backstreet Boys, N-Sync and Britney Spears are heavily on repeat for the past few days. As I said before, not guilty pleasure, I just love hearing those pop beats during this rainy season.

Well, I realized that my musical taste changes like the weather.

Also, have been chatting with a good friend of mine for the past few days on FB too. Now, we're discussing about another friend's birthday party. Normally, we talk about 1D. I dunno. Weird.

And also, I'm feeling weird these few days, probably cause I don't even talk more than 20 lines per day. I just stay in front of my computer all day till I go to bed. And these non-talking days made me developed a new fear-- I'm afraid I'll be stuck in my own world until I forgot about reality. I better start finding a new life aim instead of just living an internet life.

This post is so boring because I'm bored right now. Sorry. I don't know what else to say.

Apart from all that, Christmas is coming soon, so yay.

And allow me to quote my favorite person ever:


That's right, I changed "LOVE" to "LIFE".

I don't even know why am I writing all these. I feel like, I'm 14, I'm going to have fun yayyyyy :)

Oh god, a new fear-- losing ability to focus.

Oh god, look at how messed up this post is. I'm so depressed right now oh my gosh.

Just kidding, I'm just tired, I'll try to talk like a normal person when I'm focused. Bye.

Obsessed with this song by the way:

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