Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marvel's The Avengers.

So, I went out with my friends for a movie, and we picked "Marvel's The Avengers". Guess what? We regret nothing. NOTHING, I TELL YOU. :)

It's probably going to be the best movie of 2012. Well, it's the best movie I've seen so far this year. Run time: 143 minutes. And almost every single part of the movie is amazing. The fighting. The suits of armor. The graphics. And did I mention the EPICNESS of HULK? He's really cool. But he's not my favorite though. My favorites are Captain America & Iron Man.

Captain America/Steve Rogers (starring Chris Evans):

He's my favorite. He doesn't have any superpowers. He only has his signature shield. But he can still fight well. OK. He's not the best fighter among ALL the Avengers. But what I like about him is that he's really calm when he thinks. And, he's a really good leader. I think, without him, the Avengers will not beat Loki. He's also the first ever superhero. He's my favorite, for sure.

Iron Man/Tony Stark (starring Robert Downey Jr.):

This dude deserves A LOT of respect, not because he's a billionaire, but for his braveness. He's the one who sent the bomb away from the Earth. He saved million's lives. And, damn, he's hilarious.

Hulk/Bruce Banner (starring Mark Ruffalo): 

He's pretty darn cool. His anger. And this line is nice:

Captain America: "Dr. Banner, it's the perfect time for you to get angry."
Hulk: "That's the secret, Captain. I'm always angry."

Thor (starring Chris Hemsworth):

The only thing that I like about him is his accent. That's it. Of course, he's also a very brave warrior.

Hawkeye/Clint Barton (starring Jeremy Renner):

Katniss Everdeen's the female version of Hawkeye. I say this because they're both good at arrow & bow. And I didn't say Hawkeye's the male version of Katniss because The Avengers comics came out far before The Hunger Games trilogy.

Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (starring Scarlett Johansson):

She's the bad-ass that every guy will like. Haha. She's amazing.

And that's it-- Marvel's The Avengers. This movie deserves 5847297502350298502785024 awards. I'm not saying that it's the best movie ever, but I think that movie like this deserves to be watched by God. And it seriously deserves endless award, because they must've spent a lot of time just to design the outfits and graphics.

I'm feeling good. And I wanna buy a Captain America Tee. :) I hope someone will buy me ALL the Marvel comics for me as my birthday present. Seriously. I'll rate 9/10 for this movie. It's EPIC. The best 2012 movie so far. GO WATCH IT. ENJOY.......

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just A Book...


So, I read this blog post by Adam. I'm quite a fan of him and his music, so don't call me a stalker. Thanks.

Adam posted about this book entitled "Rachel's Tears". The cover looks a little creepy. Black & White. Barren field as the background. But there's this beautiful girl smiling. From the way she looks, I think she's quite a tough and smart girl. Of course, it's just my opinion. I haven't read the whole book yet. I haven't even bought the book. But after reading what Adam says, I'll probably buy this book and read it. I think it's quite an inspiring book about religion. THIS IS THE COVER OF THE BOOK:


I posted this so that people who never knew about this girl to be inspired by her strong belief in God. This girl who believes in God. She's also the girl who got killed for believing in God. No offence and all, but don't you think that's just CRAZY?

I mean, everyone has their own beliefs right? Atheists don't believe in the existence of God, but, can you believe some of them actually killed a girl who believes in something that they don't? It's totally UNIMAGINABLE!
According to what I learnt, one of the gunmen shot Rachel in the leg, and then he picked her up by her hair and asked her if she still believes in God. The next word she says actually brought her to death. She answered, "You know I do." And then the gunman just shot her in the head. And then she's D-E-A-D.

This is a truly inspiring story for the Christians out there. You guys should really read this book, since Adam recommended it to you guys. :) Rachel is a really strong girl. She died on 20th April 1999, making her 17+ when she died. What a shame. She's a really brave believer of God. I'm not a Christian, but I believe that she's by God's side now, living in spite of those things that scare her to death. That's really FEARLESS of you, Miss Rachel. Thanks for your inspiring story. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012




It seems like everyone loves to say this. It's either:
1) They don't like the way they look, or
2) They're just begging for attention.

Most of the people (especially in my school) are lack of attention. They'll be like, "OMG I look so ugly. I want to be pretty! Nobody likes me!" and then take a picture of themselves doing stupid pose and post it on Facebook-- That's called LOA. Lack of Attention. And these people are really idiotic and dumb. Like, come on, if you think you're so ugly, then, please please please, don't post your picture on Facebook and expect people to convince you that you're pretty. People only tell you you're pretty because they're afraid of you, not because they like you.

"It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible." -  Oscar Wilde -
And here's a picture I found from 9GAG. It really describes what I want to say, and it has the kind of 9GAG humour in it.
 But, of course, there are also people out there who think that they're not loved, and feel like nobody in the freaking world will like them as friends/romantically.

That's a really, really bad thing to think about. Many of us will think that the way we look will affect others' impression towards us. Yes, it does actually. But, you have to know that, some people looks really bright to you, and when they start speaking... It's totally different. And unbelievable. It's better for us to be average-looking, and so people will expect us to be an average person, and then, the more we talk, the more we sparkle our inner beauty.

Well, probably, people out there will think that a good-looking person makes everyone feels happier and all, but, well, who doesn't like good-looking people? But, the more good-looking they are, the more we expect from them. And it turns out, the good-looking people will always give a better impression to the others than the average-looking ones. But I think that being an average-looking person gives us some advantages too. (even Spongebob feels excited to know the advantages of being average-looking.) ;)


IT'S TRUE!! Haha. Seriously! In this case, good-looking people will have to worry about being the target of those people who are 'sexually frustrated' (or any other terms that can be used to describe 'rapers'). That's one good thing about being average-looking. But still, we all have to be careful because we never knew what will happen next.


Especially in high school, girls will start to compare their appearances with each other. And a good-looking person normally has a lot of friends in school. And the others will start saying that they're only 'popular' because they're good-looking. Meanwhile average-looking people can have fun with each other without making the other people jealous and backstab.


Did you realize that dramas only occur among good-looking people, and not the average-looking people? Maybe it's because guys like good-looking people, and those good-looking people will be freaking jealous of each other. And this is why, I'm so proud to be an average-looking person.
We're just teenagers. We're supposed to have fun and study. Not to put on make-up and fake yourself. I think that a person looks the best when he/she doesn't try to. A pretty, natural face is good enough to make people like you. If you put on make-up all the time, people will be shocked when you have no make-up on; but if you seldom put on make-up, then you'll look beautiful either way.

People loves to say "everyone's beautiful". It's true that God makes everyone beautiful in every way, but some people just tries too hard to be beautiful, that they become ugly, inside and outside. If you feel really bad to be yourself, I felt really sorry for you. I don't think feeling bad about yourself will make you a pretty person. To be beautiful, you have to be good inside, and to smile at the very hard moment, because it makes you fearless.

And sometimes, being nice to someone makes people think that you're fake. The fact is NO. Because:

So, I'm done here about being 'beautiful'. So, all you need to do is to be good to the others and to smile at things that you don't like and to be natural.

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift - 


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spirited Away & Google: Project Glasses

So, I was on Tumblr few days ago & I saw a GIF:

The first thing that came to my mind is: This looks familiar... I remember this is from a movie that I watched in my childhood...
So, I went to web search about it: Japanese Movie Dragon.

And, so, I saw the words 'Spirited Away'. AND, YESSSSS!! It's my favorite movie in my childhood! And it's Studio Ghibli's film! I remember when I watch this movie almost everytime I feel bored. 'Cause this movie needs a whole lot of imagination, creativeness and awesome drawings. But I never know what that movie was about, I just loved the whole dragon, spirits and love story stuff. Oh, and of course, the main character of the movie, Chihiro. She's damn adorable in that movie. Innocence. Adorable. :)

It's a story about spirits and stuff. Chihiro accidentally enters the 'Spirit World' and met Haku (the dragon above) in his human form, No-Face (a spirit with no face) and other spiritual creatures.

There are a lot of cute things in there, like these little black creatures (and a small-sized pig):
This part where Chihiro says, "I'm grateful" to Haku. :')
And when Chihiro's riding on Haku's original form (a dragon):
And, FYI, this is No-Face (he's actually very kind):
I think you should totally check out this movie. It's released in the year of 2001. And its total box office is $274,925,095, which is one of the best-selling Asian animated movie ever. PS: It's distributed by Walt Disney. :)

The beginning of the movie always freak me out when I was younger though. But still, just check it out. :)

And, now, let's get into the Google: Project Glasses stuff.
Watch the clip about the glasses.

I think it's a pretty cool idea, but in this way, it'll make human become more and more lazy. 'Cause in future, all we needa do is to just walk around and talk with this project glasses. FOREVER ALONE. But, I still can't wait to wear on these glasses. :)

Of course, there might be a little problem that'll occur, like, Google ads will appear out of nowhere. :P
I'm not sure if they got the idea from Dragonball... Cause I see Goku & his friends have the same glasses. And, also, if the glasses run on Windows, there'll be A LOT of problems like, "Sorry. Page not found." or "Windows is not able to run at this moment. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I really hope it'll not happen. 

Anyway, I wanna end this post with a song:
It's called "Everybody Hurts" by Avril Lavigne. I think it's a song about anti-bullying, and encouraging the people being bullied to hold on to this life. STOP BULLYING. BULLYING IS FOR LOSERS. I understand how does it feel to be bullied, although I haven't been bullied, but, I can see, it hurts a lot. People cuts themselves. That's something that shouldn't happen in this world. IT'S LIKE COMMITTING SUICIDE. I don't get why people would bully the others. People are just different. I think being different is a really unique, lucky thing a person can have. 

No matter how different you are, you're made by God to live in this world. You have the right to live happily in this world. If anybody ever tries to make you hate yourself, show them you don't. Everyone deserves a fair life. Stay strong.

"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke."
Benjamin Disraeli -

Friday, April 6, 2012

Speaking as a TEEN

Life is my happy place.
I'm speaking as a teen in this blog post.
To be honest, I thought that being a high-school teen is supposed to be fun and wild.
But then, my friends (not CLOSE friends) try to start all these dramas with each other.
I was like, I don't give a damn, but seriously? Can they just stop all these stupid fight and enjoy the teenage life?

(1) Teenage life is frustrating. During this growing process, we should have something that we're obsessed with, not just taking pictures of you & your ugly face with your DSLR and post it on FB everyday and expect 10000000000000+ people to like it and say that you're SOOOOO pretty. NO.

We should find something to do other than just trying hard to be a popular girl. Be the person that you're supposed to be, be the person that make you feel happy with what you do, not the person that starts drama and have so much trouble after that. Isn't that just S-T-U-P-I-D?

I understand, almost everyone wants to be remembered. Almost ALL of us want to be respected by everyone in the world. But, doing all these stuff will NOT make people respect you.

But, anyway, back to the teenage talk. I really think that teenage life is fun, but at the same time, I miss my childhood. 9GAG makes me miss my freaking childhood TV shows so much. Mr. Bean, Tom & Jerry, Powerpuff Girls etc.

They're much better than cartoons these days. Even music has changed. But, I've found out that music is a really, really interesting thing. I really, really like the soothing sound of music. It's like bacon, it seems to make everything better. (PS: ME GUSTA BACON!! SHOUTOUT TO BACON!) ;)

Like, whenever I can't sleep at night, I'll start to think about some bad things that might happen to me and my family. It really frightens me, so I just turn on my phone and starts listening to some songs.
It doesn't really matter if it's a slow, sad song or an upbeat, energetic song. It'll still make me forget about ALL the bad thoughts/dreams that I had, and then I'll enter the world of the singer, standing at his/her point of view, thinking about life. (HOW DEEP). But, seriously, music just makes me forget about the world and ignore the reality, thus cheers me up.

At this age, I find that music is my passion. I mean, there's no freaking way I'm going to be a musician or something, but no matter what I do, there's at least ONE song that can relate to my situation.
e.g. I see my middle school friends 'transformed' from some crazy, funny people to these lack-of-attention popular high school girls. So I'll use this breakup song 'Somebody That I Used To Know' to describe them. The lyrics, they're so relating. Really. But, I think, if my friends find it comfortable to be who they are now, then it's ok. I'm not trying to criticize them or making them even more famous, I'm just trying to give some examples of people we'll meet in our life. And, out of all these people, they're ALL different in different ways, but your family & MUSIC will always be there for you, when the others aren't. <== MY DAD prefers this cover than the original version of 'Somebody That I Used to Know'. CHECK IT OUT. they're REALLY talented. :D
Not everyone is lucky enough to have truthful and loyal friends, but, if you're lucky enough to have one, you better appreciate them. :) Anyway, you might wanna dedicate this quote to the people that you don't like (got if from Tumblr)
Oh, and also, now that THG is famous, ALL my friends are fangirling about it in school. IT'S ANNOYING!!! seriously, why does it have to be so mainstream?? SIGH. they're like 'TEAM PEETA' or 'TEAM GALE'. and I'm like, 'TEAM SHUT-THE-HELL-UP'. OH GOD WHY???

(2) Teenage life is FREE! Done criticizing friends and grumbling about stupid stuff my friends do, now, it's time to talk about the HAPPY part of teenage life. :D we can do whatever we want, and we don't need to worry about money..YET. :D

We can buy our idol's posters, paste them in our room, and fangirl about them, talk about them with everyone you met. It's fun. I need to REALLY appreciate the moment I'm having right now, 'cause when I grow up, people will start saying, 'what? You like that singer? you're childish...' so, cherish your teenage moment! And most importantly, we don't need to fight each other to get good grades. We just gotta study a little, and when you get a good result, your friend will be happy for you too. (WELL, I NEVER REALLY DID STUDY THO..) but when we grow up, A LOT of dramas & fights will occur 'cause we wanna get better post in our job.

We'll be so busy fighting & working that we'll not have time for our loved ones. But now, all we need to do is to have fun, and a little study will do. (JUST A LITTLE, I SAID) so, I find teenage life fun and free. I really miss those childhood moments when we don't know anything dirty. HAHA. Now, when I re-watch some of the childhood TV shows, LOOOL. CHILDHOOD RUINED!!

(3) Teenage life is...LOL I RAN OUT OF IDEA! I don't know. I have a ton of homework. UGH. but I'd still rather study & do my homework than to grow up, and starts the busy & boring working man life. I really think that 'Never Grow Up' by T. Swift really describes my feeling now. I'm only 14, I hope I'll be 14 forever. :) NEVER GROW UP (just in case you feel like listening to it) =>
CONGRATS! You've finished reading this freaking boring and long-winded blog post. YOU'RE AWESOME. anyway, all these pictures are not mine. they're from Tumblr. :D HEHE.Conclusion: As a teen, I don't think I'm 100% happy, but because of music, I think that I'm 99% happy & 1% frustrated about my stupid friends. but... "Everyone has at least one stupid friend around them, if you don't have one, then you're the stupid one." - 9GAG - U MAD BROOOO?? ;) ENJOY YOUR TEENAGE LIFE, GUYS!!