Friday, June 8, 2012

Movies Day...again

I've watched TWO movies today, at Sunway Pyramid (a random mall in Malaysia).


Director: Rupert Sanders
Anyway, I played a trick above. Highlight the words before '&' and you'll see 'SNOW WHITE' clearly. Because Snow is white. And White is WHITE. Haha. Get it? Get it?...ok. That's awkward.

Snow White & The Huntsman Trailer:

I gave you the 5-minute extended one! :)

So, basically, the movie started off with this person called the KING. The king has a daughter. And the queen died a few minutes later after the movie has started. (sad right?) and yup, you guessed it right, the princess is SNOW WHITE.

After that, the king met a 'prisoner' who's so beautiful that the king wanna marry her & then immediately, the bed scene. During the bed scene, something happened. I won't tell you 'cause some of you haven't watched it yet. But, yeah, that part is kinda unexpected.

After a long, long, long time, Snow White grew up & the Evil Queen asked the mirror a question, which most of us are very familiar to:
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's fairest of 'em all?"
(in a very sexy British accent)

Yeah, and oh, oh, you know what? The mirror can TALK! Ah. So cool. Yeah, it's in the trailer. Watch it :)

There's this place called the 'Dark Forest', which nobody has ever come out alive. But, of course, in a movie, the main character will always survive in a place where it's deadly & "you-won't-come-out-alive".

And then the Evil Queen found the sexy huntsman, who's like so sexy that everyone died.

And then, a lot of fighting scenes. And the end. Someone won the war. :)

Yeah, that's basically the whole movie. :) I love that movie. Really. And Kristen Stewart is actually a good actress. She can really act 'ANGRY' & 'FURIOUS' in this one :)


Director: Ridley Scott
A very sci-fi movie. As in, VERY. It's so sci-fi that I can't really understand why the main character got pregnant (an octopus-like creature, not a human baby).

But the graphic was GOOD. And gross. Those alien saliva. OH GOD. Why does every aliens look so bad? Really. SO BAD. I'm so glad I'm a human. Our saliva isn't that gross. 

So, the story is like this: Few 'scientists' found the map of something in 2089. Then, they went to this unknown planet, without hesitating. Without thinking about what will happen if the aliens there attack them. NOTHING. They just went there like they're the boss.

Yeah, and so, a lot of graphics, or maybe a man wearing alien suits, running around like a monkey, and scare the audience during the right time. I LOVE movies like this. Scaring people without thinking if they have heart attack or asthma.

Yeah, so in the end, how many people out of 17 will survive? You'll have to watch to know it :)

Prometheus Trailer:

I'll end this post with this soundtrack for the movie SNOW WHITE & THE HUNTSMAN. It is awesome:

"Breath of Life" - Florence + The Machine

(and a smiley face)


Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Went to watch Men In Black III today. MIB III is an amazingggggggggg movie. It's a story about Agent J (the awesome, one and only Will Smith) going back in time to change history & to save mankind. I wanna share some funny quotes that I know from the movie. Seriously. Funny.

But, first of all, let me introduce you to the amazing actors who portrait:

Will Smith as Agent J :)

Tommy Lee Jones as Agent K :D

Agent J, Agent K and Griffin (by Michael Stuhlbarg)

Among ALL of the characters in the movie, my favorite is GRIFFIN. Yeah. He is so amazing (and CUTE).
GRIFFIN is actually a unicorn, and his planet's "living things" are known as 'Arcadians', according to what I heard from the movie. He's gotta be the cutest unicorn ever! He's the only unicorn left. The other unicorns are dead. The planet of Arcadians was destroyed. He came to Earth to help save Earth by possessing the 'ArcNet' thing. This 'ArcNet' thing is a layer of laser or whatever it is that will protect Earth from being invaded :)

The coolest thing about Griffin is that he has the ability to see the future. That's what I like about him-- HE JUST CAN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT & AGENT J + K WILL JUST BE LIKE, "WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT?"

OK. Quotes time:

1. Agent J: "I'm looking for Agent K. Have you seen him? Sort of a surly, older gentleman, smiles like this..."

    O: "K's been dead for over forty years."

2. Agent J: "Hey, man. How old are you?"
    Young Agent K: "29."
    Agent J: "You got some city miles on you."

3. Agent J: "You gotta send me back to 1969."
    Alien: "First, we gotta get high."
    Agent J: "My man! For real!"
    Alien: "No. I mean really HIGH!"

4. Agent J: "I'm from the future...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. So we need to go RIGHT NOW."
   -awkward silence-
    Agent K: "Alright."

5. Agent J: "Nah. I call ladies 'O'. To me, 'O' is feminine, 'K' is masculine. You know, I see a couple and I'm like, 'OKAAYYY..."

Now, time for a little quote from the adorable Griffin:
"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway."
"The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lie."
"I lost my planet, I don't want you to lose yours."
"When there is death, there will always be death."
Some quotes that were repeated throughout the movie:
Agent J: "Hey Boris the Animal!" 
Boris: "It's just BORIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And the last one:
Agent K: "This coffee tastes like dirt."
O: "What do you expect? It was just ground this morning."

HAHA. Not sure why, but I love that last quote. HAHA.

Here's a video that you might like. (it's in the movie):

CONCLUSION: You should watch the movie cause the ending is the climax of the whole movie. It'll make you tear up. I won't spoil the ending to you. Just watch it. YOU'LL SEE :)

"Here comes the Men in Black, the galaxy defenders."


Monday, June 4, 2012

Liam Payne.

Liam James Payne
He's 1/5 of One Direction. He's 18 years old now. His favorite movies are the Toy Story trilogy (same with me).
He is fear of spoons & he only has one kidney.
He treats his fans fairly & really loves them.
He doesn't act like a celebrity. He talks with his fans like he's just a normal person.

So, today, I woke up & checked his tweets. Those were some angry tweets.

"Just as I start to like twitter again I see the nasty side of people who like to dislike somebody who makes me ... Me" 
"#SometimesIHateTwitter when it becomes a place to abuse people who uve never met never did anything to you but you still choose to be cruel"
 "and to all of those people who are going to be dicks and tweet her horrible stuff now just because i mentioned it ...  boring grow up"
"but to all those who are nice thank you so much she often reads me nice things people say to her and it makes me smile love you guys" 
Aww. He's so sweet, but at the same time, he can be like a VOLCANO when he's mad at something/someone. Haha.
But, come on, he's a human too. He has feelings, and so does Danielle. She's a really sweet girl and she is very very nice to Directioners. Those people who hate on her are probably those 10-year-old girls who have a crush on Liam and wear crocs. Oops.

And, I just kinda fell in love with the relationship of Liam & Danielle :)

BUT BUT BUT, the most important NEWS of the day:


You want PROOF? I'll give you proof...

LIAM on my followers list! :D xx

Noticed the '@Real_Liam_Payne follows you'? :D x

It started off with something like 'Liam Payne followed you' and I thought it's just a parody account. But NO! NO! It's REAL!! I clicked on his name, and yes he's the REAL LIAM! His account is verified and..and... AHHHHHHHHH I JUST STARTED SCREAMING & JUMPING IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS. Haha :D 

I think I should really change my icon to a GIF of Liam, as a thank you to him. I really, really appreciate it. THANKS LIAM! :) xx

Let me give you a kiss as a thank you? Hehehehehe :) xx

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Worst nightmare ever.

I just woke up a few minutes ago. I'm still really shock about my dream. You wouldn't believe what have I just dreamt of. It really makes me think. I'm starting to feel really insecure after that dream. I DIED (literally).

So, to make sure I haven't died, I just kinda walk around in my house. I see no one, but I can hear them cooking, pouring water etc. And then I decided to think of my dream. And I really don't wanna think of it. I feel like crying right now. I DIED. Few minutes ago. In my dream.

The Dream:

It started off with me in my school, in a random room that I've never seen before, with some of my friends. We were chatting about..something. Not sure what were we chatting about. But anyway, after that, we saw our old teacher, Teacher Lee. She just magically appeared and then told us something, keeping an evil face. There were a few guys behind her.

This is the part where I'm REALLY afraid of. Now there are butterfly in my stomach, and my tears just feel like running down. I wanna cry whenever I think of this part of the dream. The few guys took out some knives and started waving it around my friends. And then he just used the knives to do some cuts on my friends. I was really, really, really, really scared that time. I feel like hiding, and then... One of them saw me, and they also cut me using their knife. I was screaming in pain. And then I heard him say something, and my friends yelled at me, "RUN!!!!!!! FASTER!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!" I decided not to struggle. After that, I felt a little pain in my chest. And then it's just a piece of darkness.

That's not the end of the dream though. Few minutes later, I woke up, realizing that my friends are all with me. And their shirts are all blood-stained. I realized that I have cuts on my body but I feel no pain at all. I talked with them but they didn't reply me. Some of them replied me, some of them didn't. I shouted as loud as possible at those who didn't reply me. They still ignored me. I talked with those who replied me. They said they can't remember anything at all. We walked cautiously out of that room and I saw my dad. I shouted, "DAD!" he looked over me, but he acts like he can't see me. I think he can hear me. I continued shouting, "DAD! OVER HERE!" he looked around. He can't see me? HE CAN'T SEE ME.

Wait, my dad can hear me. And some of my friends can see + talk with me. VAS HAPPENIN'? I went up and gave my dad a hug. "Dad! I'm here!" but he's still like, "Why do I feel someone hugging me?" Me: "Dad. Can't you see me?" Dad: "Where are you?" At that moment, I'm really sure, I'M DEAD.

That's not the worst part though. The worst part is my mum. She walked into the room & got a nervous broke down. I walked into the room & yelled, "MUM!!" she didn't even hear me. Why can my dad hear me, but can't see me? Why can't my mum communicate with me? What? Am I dead or...? I'M DEAD.

I tried to talk with my friends. I think they're dead too. (You know, there were stories about a dead soul walking around, while their dead bodies were still lying there). But, there are more things that had happened, but I just can't remember, I just felt like crying when I couldn't talk with my mum & dad. I still remember when I met my teacher (the person who killed me) again, and both of us can communicate. Now that's really confusing. I don't think she's dead. But...

Then something happened and I went to the railway station to stop my teacher from killing the others. And...I could finally talk with my mum and....I woke up. When I woke up, I thought of everything that happened in my dream. I almost cried. For some reasons, I learnt something from my dreams.

After this HORRIBLE nightmare, I became kinda insecure. Maybe it'll only last for a few days. Or weeks. And I realized that I love my family & friends so much. I can't lose them. I can't leave them. Because it really hurts watching the person you love to cry in front of you, because of you, but you can't do anything about it. It's probably because I fell asleep last night, lying straight. If you don't get what I'm saying, it's 'D' in the picture below:

I remember reading an article about sleeping in that position. It says that this position will bring you nightmare because there are some nerves under your brain and if you sleep like this, your head will be pressing that nervous system that's under your brain and it'll make your brain functions weirdly. I swore to myself, I'm never gonna sleep in that position, ever, again.