Saturday, June 2, 2012

Worst nightmare ever.

I just woke up a few minutes ago. I'm still really shock about my dream. You wouldn't believe what have I just dreamt of. It really makes me think. I'm starting to feel really insecure after that dream. I DIED (literally).

So, to make sure I haven't died, I just kinda walk around in my house. I see no one, but I can hear them cooking, pouring water etc. And then I decided to think of my dream. And I really don't wanna think of it. I feel like crying right now. I DIED. Few minutes ago. In my dream.

The Dream:

It started off with me in my school, in a random room that I've never seen before, with some of my friends. We were chatting about..something. Not sure what were we chatting about. But anyway, after that, we saw our old teacher, Teacher Lee. She just magically appeared and then told us something, keeping an evil face. There were a few guys behind her.

This is the part where I'm REALLY afraid of. Now there are butterfly in my stomach, and my tears just feel like running down. I wanna cry whenever I think of this part of the dream. The few guys took out some knives and started waving it around my friends. And then he just used the knives to do some cuts on my friends. I was really, really, really, really scared that time. I feel like hiding, and then... One of them saw me, and they also cut me using their knife. I was screaming in pain. And then I heard him say something, and my friends yelled at me, "RUN!!!!!!! FASTER!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!" I decided not to struggle. After that, I felt a little pain in my chest. And then it's just a piece of darkness.

That's not the end of the dream though. Few minutes later, I woke up, realizing that my friends are all with me. And their shirts are all blood-stained. I realized that I have cuts on my body but I feel no pain at all. I talked with them but they didn't reply me. Some of them replied me, some of them didn't. I shouted as loud as possible at those who didn't reply me. They still ignored me. I talked with those who replied me. They said they can't remember anything at all. We walked cautiously out of that room and I saw my dad. I shouted, "DAD!" he looked over me, but he acts like he can't see me. I think he can hear me. I continued shouting, "DAD! OVER HERE!" he looked around. He can't see me? HE CAN'T SEE ME.

Wait, my dad can hear me. And some of my friends can see + talk with me. VAS HAPPENIN'? I went up and gave my dad a hug. "Dad! I'm here!" but he's still like, "Why do I feel someone hugging me?" Me: "Dad. Can't you see me?" Dad: "Where are you?" At that moment, I'm really sure, I'M DEAD.

That's not the worst part though. The worst part is my mum. She walked into the room & got a nervous broke down. I walked into the room & yelled, "MUM!!" she didn't even hear me. Why can my dad hear me, but can't see me? Why can't my mum communicate with me? What? Am I dead or...? I'M DEAD.

I tried to talk with my friends. I think they're dead too. (You know, there were stories about a dead soul walking around, while their dead bodies were still lying there). But, there are more things that had happened, but I just can't remember, I just felt like crying when I couldn't talk with my mum & dad. I still remember when I met my teacher (the person who killed me) again, and both of us can communicate. Now that's really confusing. I don't think she's dead. But...

Then something happened and I went to the railway station to stop my teacher from killing the others. And...I could finally talk with my mum and....I woke up. When I woke up, I thought of everything that happened in my dream. I almost cried. For some reasons, I learnt something from my dreams.

After this HORRIBLE nightmare, I became kinda insecure. Maybe it'll only last for a few days. Or weeks. And I realized that I love my family & friends so much. I can't lose them. I can't leave them. Because it really hurts watching the person you love to cry in front of you, because of you, but you can't do anything about it. It's probably because I fell asleep last night, lying straight. If you don't get what I'm saying, it's 'D' in the picture below:

I remember reading an article about sleeping in that position. It says that this position will bring you nightmare because there are some nerves under your brain and if you sleep like this, your head will be pressing that nervous system that's under your brain and it'll make your brain functions weirdly. I swore to myself, I'm never gonna sleep in that position, ever, again.


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