Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Went to watch Men In Black III today. MIB III is an amazingggggggggg movie. It's a story about Agent J (the awesome, one and only Will Smith) going back in time to change history & to save mankind. I wanna share some funny quotes that I know from the movie. Seriously. Funny.

But, first of all, let me introduce you to the amazing actors who portrait:

Will Smith as Agent J :)

Tommy Lee Jones as Agent K :D

Agent J, Agent K and Griffin (by Michael Stuhlbarg)

Among ALL of the characters in the movie, my favorite is GRIFFIN. Yeah. He is so amazing (and CUTE).
GRIFFIN is actually a unicorn, and his planet's "living things" are known as 'Arcadians', according to what I heard from the movie. He's gotta be the cutest unicorn ever! He's the only unicorn left. The other unicorns are dead. The planet of Arcadians was destroyed. He came to Earth to help save Earth by possessing the 'ArcNet' thing. This 'ArcNet' thing is a layer of laser or whatever it is that will protect Earth from being invaded :)

The coolest thing about Griffin is that he has the ability to see the future. That's what I like about him-- HE JUST CAN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT & AGENT J + K WILL JUST BE LIKE, "WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT?"

OK. Quotes time:

1. Agent J: "I'm looking for Agent K. Have you seen him? Sort of a surly, older gentleman, smiles like this..."

    O: "K's been dead for over forty years."

2. Agent J: "Hey, man. How old are you?"
    Young Agent K: "29."
    Agent J: "You got some city miles on you."

3. Agent J: "You gotta send me back to 1969."
    Alien: "First, we gotta get high."
    Agent J: "My man! For real!"
    Alien: "No. I mean really HIGH!"

4. Agent J: "I'm from the future...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. So we need to go RIGHT NOW."
   -awkward silence-
    Agent K: "Alright."

5. Agent J: "Nah. I call ladies 'O'. To me, 'O' is feminine, 'K' is masculine. You know, I see a couple and I'm like, 'OKAAYYY..."

Now, time for a little quote from the adorable Griffin:
"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway."
"The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lie."
"I lost my planet, I don't want you to lose yours."
"When there is death, there will always be death."
Some quotes that were repeated throughout the movie:
Agent J: "Hey Boris the Animal!" 
Boris: "It's just BORIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And the last one:
Agent K: "This coffee tastes like dirt."
O: "What do you expect? It was just ground this morning."

HAHA. Not sure why, but I love that last quote. HAHA.

Here's a video that you might like. (it's in the movie):

CONCLUSION: You should watch the movie cause the ending is the climax of the whole movie. It'll make you tear up. I won't spoil the ending to you. Just watch it. YOU'LL SEE :)

"Here comes the Men in Black, the galaxy defenders."


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