Friday, January 11, 2013


Dear Bean,

Yes, I named my blog Bean. I'm going to tell you about stuff.

It's been about a week since school restarted, what I feel is that, this year is going to pass slower than 2012 did. Well, my classmates are really nice and all, they're just really shy, and that's it, though I feel really glad to be in a class that's always in a peace mode. I'm seated with my primary school friend, and I'm totally okay with it. She's quiet all right, but you can really talk to her if you know stuff about pop stars. Morning session's teachers are not much different from the afternoon session's ones. One difference is that afternoon session's ones are probably, slightly, just a little bit, lazier. Well, there, I said it. And, a lot of homework.

Teachers walking in - Giving out homework - Teacher walking out of class - Another teacher entering - More homework - Goes on and on - School ends all of a sudden.

Time passes quickly when your teacher just keeps on making you do stuff. Horrible.

2013 turns out to be a little bit better than I imagined, I told myself that I'd be a lazy, inactive student, but I turned out to have the most horrifying schedule ever. Like, ever. (okay that was unnecessary) School starts at around 7.30, and ends at around 1.00 on weekdays, and I thought that I could just leave school and stuff and get home, and rest and stuff, but NO, turns out, NO. I now have to stay in school every day for club meetings and activities and stuff.

I thought I was going to hate it and feeling stressed out and *insert cuss words here* but I didn't. I'm pretty fine with it. This year isn't supposed to be a honeymoon year anyway. I just thought I should put more time in school, for the next three years. And then, college years, a whole new environment. Not sure how I feel about that, probably horrifying and confused.

I don't look like THAT, obviously. I have dark hair and I don't tie my hair up like THAT. (I used to when I was 7 though. Embarrassed to look at those pictures.)

OKAY. That was long. Now, today, was a day, which we called "Gerko Day"-- a day where students are allowed to walk around the school to pick up at least ONE club, ONE uniform and ONE sport. There are club booths everywhere, and the peeps in my school are really creative and so those stuff all look really great and pretty. I picked Photography Club, Editorial Board and Ping Pong. My uniform is this thing called Harmonica & Guitar Band. (H&G) This year is the third year of me in this band, but in the last two years I was just confused about whether I'm a member of the band or not, so, yeah, I was a blur kid, now I'm pretty into it. I guess. One thing I knew for the past two years was that, I'm in the guitar section, not the harmonica section, though I'd LOVE to learn how to play that thing. (I'd say 'how to blow that thing' but that'd sound SO wrong.)

And, the system goes like this:

Junior - Junior Ensemble - Senior Ensemble - Senior

Anyway, today, I performed with my fellow Junior Ensemble members of H&G with a song entitled "River Flows In You" by Yiruma. Whether you've heard it or not, it's an amazing song, and it's originally played on the piano, though, we, being the freaking idiots, picked this song and decided to make a little twist to that song. AND, a lot of stuff happened today. That's why I'm writing this. I want to remember this day, and also forget certain part of this day at the same time, so I'm just going to write about the goods.

My mum has a t-shirt like the one above.

Anyway, we performed twice. Once in the morning; another time in the afternoon. We performed pretty well, though not many of the audiences were paying attention to the stage. Well, it doesn't make me feel sad, actually, it makes me feel great. Like, "Nobody's watching. Hell yeah. Just pretend that nobody's watching. Just perform." even though I'm not the stage fright type of person. I used to be, not any more. The morning performance was, eh, uhm, horrible, I should say, so horrible that we got scolded by our eldest seniors; but the afternoon performance was DAMN GOOD. The song is very repetitive if you listen to it, so, we don't expect people to cheer in the middle while we're playing, but some of our seniors did give us amazing moral support and cheered so, so, so damn hard at the end of the performance. Gotta love them.

What's so good is that, by the time we were performing, all the afternoon session students weren't in the hall, so they didn't get to watch how the event ended. As H&G was the last band to perform for the day, our band got the two last performances, which, in fact, was really important as we have to end an event perfectly. Soooooo, the senior ensembles performed the phenomenal Gangnam Style to end the event, despite the fact that there were less than 100 people in the hall at the time. Some of the audiences joined in the middle of the hall to do the stupid horse dance, but it was such a good end to the day.

I left right after that. I wish I got to hear what our eldest seniors have to say about our performance for River. They got mad during our morning's performance, but the afternoon's performance was pretty nice. Honestly.

That was my day. And I just watched 10 Things I Hate About You. I honestly like that movie. There are so many high school movies out there, but this one is actually a really great one. Watching Heath Ledger's performance makes me feel so sad, he's such a great actor. What a loss. Oh, on the happy side, my boy Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in it. He was such a cutiepie in the film.

Pretty sure the soundtrack includes a lot of punk-rock music. It's such a cute film. I did not cry. I did not have the time to. It was so cute though. Gah, I'm obsessed with movies. After reading Perks Of Being A Wallflower (which I finished in 4 hours, quite an achievement hehe) I'm now obsessed with modern classics and also old films. I forgot how I got this movie, but I'm incredibly thankful for being able to watch this movie. It's incredibly cute and real.

Oh, about Perks Of Being A Wallflower, you should just read the book. The movie is a little disappointing and it's just exactly the same as the book. The book is good. Go for it. That book will lead you to read another book and then there goes your life. Say goodbye to your life. Goodbye life; Say hello to books. Hello books.

Sometimes, I don't even understand why I blog. Like, do people read this whole thing or do they just click into my blog accidentally and then get bored and leave? It's odd to think about. But I just like to blog because I get to speak. Speak about things I like. Which is also something I like to do.

Love always,

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