Sunday, July 22, 2012

A 'Bat' Day.


Aurora Theatre, where the tragedy happened.
First of all, all the best to all the victims' families. It's going to be a hard time for them, hope you guys will feel better soon.

Well, I guess most of us have already heard of the shooting incident in Aurora theatre in Colorado right? I don't want to talk about the evil guy who took 12 lives, I want to talk about the 12 lost lives.

The Youngest
Veronica Moser-Sullivan. 12. Female.

The Oldest
Gordon Cowden. 51. Male.

Alex Sullivan. "He was a very, very good young man. He always had a smile, always made you laugh. He had a little bit of comic in him. Witty, smart. He was loving, had a big heart." says Joe Loewenguth, Sullivan's uncle.

Alexander C. Teves. 24.

Alexander J. Boik. "He was loved by all that knew him and was dating a beautiful young lady who was with him at the theater and survived. We want to try and focus on the beautiful lives that were ended and not the evil that is responsible." says Boik's family.

Jessica Ghawi (aka Jessica Redfield) 
24. "I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders' faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don't know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath."

John Larimer (Navy cryptologist) "Losing a sailor, whether it's in combat or whether it's in a horrific domestic situation like this, it's hard. It's tough. Losing Larimer felt like losing one of my sons." says Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Jakuboski. 

Jonathan Blunk (Navy 2004-2009) 26. "Pretty much every weapon the guy in the theater used he owned. If you asked if he was still alive, he would have said his only regret is he didn't have his sidearm with him and he couldn't do anything to stop him." says Blunk's friend, Gill.

Matthew McQuinn. (Died after diving in front of his girlfriend and her older brother to shield them from gunfire.)

Micayla Medek. 23. "You can't go that long without knowing. I hope this evil act ... doesn't shake people's faith in God." says her father's cousin, Anita Busch.

Rebecca Ann Wingo. 32. "I didn't really know her well but she had a really bubbly personality. She was a pretty happy person. She just never really seemed ... like with work, she never got irritated. She was pretty happy to be here."

Sgt. Jesse Childress (Air Force reservist) 29. "He was always our star." says Air Force Capt. Andrew Williams.

This shooting massacre is probably one of the most horrifying incident in history after the Tucson shooting. My heart goes out to all of those who were involved in the incident. According to reports, there are at least 50 people who are injured. This incident has taken 12 lives. These 12 people deserves to be remembered, instead of the evil one.

Here's a tribute to the victims. May you rest in peace.

"Imagine all the people living life in "

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2013-2014: Marvel's Years.

Do you get what I wanna say in the title above?
So, first of all, if you're a Marvel fan, you'll be getting really excited about this BIG news that Marvel has just announced...

So, FYI, Iron Man 3 will be released soon. But WHEN? (DD/MM/YYYY)

#1  IRON MAN 3


New suit. You like?

Secondly, there's going to be TWO Marvel's movies in 2013. Iron Man 3 is one of them, while the other one is...*drum rolls*



In 2014, MARVEL's going to get all EPIC with:







*NOTES: Ant Man will also be made into a film. But no details are being confirmed yet. Rumours are-- he might be around for Avengers 2. EPIC. Again.




Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Yeah, so, something happened yesterday. Tuesday. 10.07.2012. Something BAD. Ok. It's a drama. I really hate dramas and I seldom got into any of them, but this time I accidentally got into a stupid one. I hate it at first, then I realized that there is no need to hate the feeling.

Sorry, I'm posting this right now, not to make everyone knows that I was involved in a drama. "WOW. DID YOU KNOW THAT CANDY WAS INVOLVED A DRAMA THAT DAY?" blah blah blah. No I don't. I just wanna try to make this as one of the events that's under my "bitter days" memories. I wish I had a journal though. That's why I'm planning on buying one next year. And then, I'll not be updating my blog as often as I do right now.

Everyone likes to compliment on ANYTHING/ANYONE. Like, maybe, if YOU are reading this & you're thinking that "this girl is stupid. if she doesn't want anybody to know about what happened to her, then why should she post this onto her blog? everyone will know about it." everyone likes to compliment. gossip. backstab. it seems to be everyone's hobby. But well, this thing happened yesterday. I was pretty upset yesterday, but I think today, I'm not THAT mad anymore...

This boy (not naming him) which I don't really like, but I don't hate him, I just don't like him. So, a few of us were together and I heard him saying something like, "dancing isn't that cool...." "it's not that hard, why do you like them so much?" so I just went straight to them like, "are you guys talking about K-Pop? I hate K-Pop too." FYI, I don't like K-POP. Then he just said, "WTF. can you just shut up? All you know is to talk bad things about others, what else do you know?" he said a Chinese bad word, and I was mad. I don't like it when people use a bad word on me.

I replied him, "Yes. That's the only thing I know. So...? ARE YOU PSYCHO?" I didn't even curse (and I'm pretty PROUD of myself) and then I walked away and we never talked for two days. Haha. It's just a small case actually. Not what you imagined when you started reading this post, right? "Drama" is not exactly the word to describe this incident, but well, after that, two of my friends started to tell me things like, "did that really happen?" and I knew I was screwed. Well (high pitched)....

And then the two of them just started to ignore HIM. And I actually started to realize that, the condition is getting worse and worse. The two of them started to talk with me about what they think about him. I actually feel like asking them why did they ignore him. And then I realized that it actually has nothing to do with me. I chose to not think about it temporarily. And tomorrow I'll see them again. Not sure what will happen tomorrow.

I don't even know who's the wrong one here. I mean, he's mad. I was mad too. I don't really know who's the wrong one. I don't wanna apologize. Because I hate apologizing. So, actually, if he thinks that he is right, and he doesn't like to be my friend, then it's fine. As I've already said, friends aren't THAT important to me. But well, he's as stubborn as a bull, so I don't think he'll think he's wrong though. So, I guess I've lost a friend. It's fine though. Friends come and go.

Fri(ENDS) - it'll END eventually. Well, I'm not going to tell this to the other people in school anymore. But the two of them..UGHH..they're telling a few others already. Actually, drama happens everyday in our school, it isn't anything special. It's just something very stupid. And I hate dramas. I don't like dramas. And I just can't freaking believe I just got involved in a drama. I'm 14 goddammit. It's the age of playing video games. But the people in my school (including myself) really like to complicate every freaking thing in this freaking world. COME ON, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE EVENTUALLY. WHY DON'T YOU JUST HAVE FUN EVERYDAY? EVENTUALLY, YOU'LL REALISE THAT EVERYTHING-- INCLUDING LIFE, IS ALL JUST A GAG. 

Moral of the story: Don't get involved in a drama. But if you accidentally got into one, just take it as one of the bad...uh...things that happens in your life. You can even write a book about your life when you're older. That'll be cool.

Monday, July 9, 2012

4th album. Soon.

I think it all means - FOURTH ALBUM. COMING.

Taylor's Dictionary:

BIG ROOM - discussion room
A LOT OF PEOPLE - band mates, management, parents, Scott Borchetta & Nathan Chapman etc.
A LOT OF DECISIONS - 4th album title, lead single, tracklist etc.
A LOT OF THINGS HAPPENING VERY SOON - 4th album coming out soon
WHAT IT MEANS - 4th album
STUFF  IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN - cool songs are about to be released
LOVE YOU MORE THAN EVER - she has amazing fans.
TAYLOR - Taylor Alison Swift.


1st week of July 2012.

This is like the Part 2 of my last last post. Haha. Anyway, this week's been crazily busy. But still. FUN. (PS: Fun. is an awesome band)

So, first of all, the new prefects. Well, I don't really wanna talk about that. Most of them don't want to be a prefect. But they have the potential to be one. They just don't want to.
Second of all, I went for a maths competition yesterday. Err, there are 9 questions all together. I think I got 1 of them correct. HOORAY.

I took some pictures of me and my buddies, AKA my teammates. You should visit my Instagram though. There are more pictures. "candyswifty" find me :)

I added filter to it. Duh.

TODAY. I had sooooooo much fun. I like to contain my excitement in the amounts of letters I type in "so", so you can approximately calculate the fun I had today. 8.7.2012.

10:30AM - 1:30PM, I had a 'party' @ the Dominos with my prefects friends. (these few of them are alright, the other prefects who aren't in the pictures below are annoying. The few of them below are AWESOME.)

I'd like to say what I think about the each of them.

Michelle (birthday girl) - THIRD GIRL FROM LEFT. she's a very sweet girl. Cute at times. But when she gets angry. BOOM.
Xiu Rong - SECOND GIRL FROM LEFT. also another sweet girl, but a little bit too loud sometimes. But she's still cute.
Carmen - FIRST GIRL FROM LEFT. funny girl. Isn't afraid of anything and is very thoughtful.
Choi Yeng - THIRD GIRL FROM RIGHT. very sensible. and has a wide and captivating smile.
Hiu Lam - FIRST GIRL FROM RIGHT. laughs at everything. Laughs at my jokes even when it's not meant to be a joke.
Chuan Hong - RIGHT BOY. annoying sometimes. but very nice and helpful. (failed at sense of humour)
Mun Hong - LEFT BOY. a 9GAGGER. but his sense of humour isn't that good. and sometimes very quiet.

After the party, I went out with my dad. :)
We watched The Amazing Spiderman together. Oh well, I don't feel like doing a review for the movie. Just one word: AMAZING. Haha. Just like the title of the movie :)

The trailer:

The poster:

Though I have to say I think the previous Spiderman movies were better :)


Recommendations again.

I personally think that the medley was mediocre, but well, the video is ONE SHOT. so I think it's pretty cool :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012


So, I was quite wrong about being a teenager. Being a teenager is actually fun, if there isn't any backstabbers among us. I realized that I've been taking this life really easy, because I want it to be easy, but there are just people who like to make their life complicated. I mean, they backstabbers aren't backstabbing about me, they're backstabbing about the others, in front of me. So, you got the idea now?

First off, PREFECTS. Prefects are damn good at backstabbing. Maybe that's what people says, smart people aren't as happy as normal people. Right? So, they're smart, and they aren't happy at all. But, to be honest, people shouldn't backstab about that person and then when that person arrives, you just fake it, like you actually like that person.

GIRLS. Girls like to backstab. It doesn't happen that much among boys. You see? When that happens to boys, it must be something very serious, or either that, that boy is gay. Just saying. Haha :)

I mean, like, there's this girl, who's like, REALLY pretty. But, some girls don't like her, saying that she's cocky, and she's a sl*t. LOL, first off, yes, I think she's a little bit cocky, but, a sl*t? Nope. You should Google search the definition of sl*t though. For goodness sake, we're still 14 & we're all still....(cough) virgin.

And also, the guitarist. So, I mentioned in my last post (I think) about the cool girl with her electric guitar, I told my friends that she looked cool, but then they told me that she's just another boastful girl, or worse, the B word.

I know, everyone has different point of views on a person, you can point that out, backstabbing is okay. But, still, think before you backstab. I realized that a lot of my friends around me like to make everything so complicated. Either that, or I'm just a very simple person. Well, either way sucks by the way. I don't know... I think I'm the kind of person who doesn't know how to differentiate good AND bad. That sucks. Really. But still, I'd rather be like myself than to complicate everything in this life.

CONCLUSION is, there have been quite a lot of people backstabbing about the others IN FRONT OF ME. So, I just have to say this. Whether you understand what I just said or not, thanks for reading this. Though I know it won't change your point of view. Just try not to make everything complicated, you'll realize that, LIFE IS PERFECT. I'm not sure about yours, but I think that my life is perfect, 'cause imperfections bring perfection :)

ANYWAY, if you're bored, calculate how many times have I repeated the word "backstab" / "backstabbers" / "backstabbing" etc. & also, check out Ed Sheeran's songs. I've fallen in love with his music :)

+ is now my favorite album :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The last week of June 2012.

This week's been a crazy week man. Like the new prefects will be selected soon & I'm the prefectorial board committee. So I actually have the name list of probationers with me, but well, the web have ears, so I'm not posting it here. I've gone through the name list on Monday & typed it out on Tuesday. For girls, I'm proud to say that there are a few of them from my middle school who are chosen. That certainly applies to boys too.

On Thursday, it's our school anniversary celebration. It's our 65th year (err...I think) already. Imagine how old are the first batch students though. CHS. Catholic High School.

There are some performances which are pretty cool, I can say. By cool, I mean Chuck Norris-cool. Some of them are lame, which are as lame as my school's discipline teachers' jokes. (not considered as jokes by the way)

As a Harmonica & Guitar band (H&G) member, I think that H&G's performance is the most outstanding out of all the performances. They performed a Chinese song & also the well-known "You Raise Me Up". Four senior-class boys sang YRMU while the band played accompaniment music. It sent chills straight down my spine (in a good way). Go H&G!!

Prefects did a singing performance too. They sang a Chinese song, which I do not know the name to & also "We Are Young" by Fun. Well it was quite a pathetic performance. But I like the drums, the piano & the electric guitar played by one of the members of H&G :) ROCK 'N ROLL SUE-ANNE!!

Friday was my mum's birthday. We went out for dinner that day. "It went well" is all I could say.

TODAY, Sunday is the most tiring day of this week. I went out with my awesome cousin sister, Josephine to buy some clothes for my dad, due to a wedding party that we're going to attend the week after next. I bought a book!

"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

These days, in high school, studying has been the most boring moment in my life. BORING. Before I pick up this reading habit, I sleep in class everytime I feel bored in class. Now, I have BOOKS! :D

Nerd. Yeah. But I like reading now. I used to think that reading a novel with words as small as an ant is BORING! But now, I've fallen in love. <3

It's been a very tiring (and boring) month, but this week is fun! My school's Sports Day was held last Saturday too!

Yellow: Circus
Purple: Journey to the West
Red: Thumbelina
Blue: Atlantis
Green: Peter Pan

I felt like Malaysia's high schools are different from those you see in American novels & movies. It's more of a family than to differentiate into groups such as "nerd" "popular" "ugly" "sociable" etc.

But of course, we still have popular kids & normal kids in our school. But, somehow, I think that being a normal person makes me feel happy & that's all I've ever need. Happiness :)

PS: My exam went pretty well! Better than what I've expected but my result is getting worse & worse. ASIANS PROBLEM :(

This is today's sky. Pretty right? :)

Good Evening :)