Sunday, July 1, 2012

The last week of June 2012.

This week's been a crazy week man. Like the new prefects will be selected soon & I'm the prefectorial board committee. So I actually have the name list of probationers with me, but well, the web have ears, so I'm not posting it here. I've gone through the name list on Monday & typed it out on Tuesday. For girls, I'm proud to say that there are a few of them from my middle school who are chosen. That certainly applies to boys too.

On Thursday, it's our school anniversary celebration. It's our 65th year (err...I think) already. Imagine how old are the first batch students though. CHS. Catholic High School.

There are some performances which are pretty cool, I can say. By cool, I mean Chuck Norris-cool. Some of them are lame, which are as lame as my school's discipline teachers' jokes. (not considered as jokes by the way)

As a Harmonica & Guitar band (H&G) member, I think that H&G's performance is the most outstanding out of all the performances. They performed a Chinese song & also the well-known "You Raise Me Up". Four senior-class boys sang YRMU while the band played accompaniment music. It sent chills straight down my spine (in a good way). Go H&G!!

Prefects did a singing performance too. They sang a Chinese song, which I do not know the name to & also "We Are Young" by Fun. Well it was quite a pathetic performance. But I like the drums, the piano & the electric guitar played by one of the members of H&G :) ROCK 'N ROLL SUE-ANNE!!

Friday was my mum's birthday. We went out for dinner that day. "It went well" is all I could say.

TODAY, Sunday is the most tiring day of this week. I went out with my awesome cousin sister, Josephine to buy some clothes for my dad, due to a wedding party that we're going to attend the week after next. I bought a book!

"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

These days, in high school, studying has been the most boring moment in my life. BORING. Before I pick up this reading habit, I sleep in class everytime I feel bored in class. Now, I have BOOKS! :D

Nerd. Yeah. But I like reading now. I used to think that reading a novel with words as small as an ant is BORING! But now, I've fallen in love. <3

It's been a very tiring (and boring) month, but this week is fun! My school's Sports Day was held last Saturday too!

Yellow: Circus
Purple: Journey to the West
Red: Thumbelina
Blue: Atlantis
Green: Peter Pan

I felt like Malaysia's high schools are different from those you see in American novels & movies. It's more of a family than to differentiate into groups such as "nerd" "popular" "ugly" "sociable" etc.

But of course, we still have popular kids & normal kids in our school. But, somehow, I think that being a normal person makes me feel happy & that's all I've ever need. Happiness :)

PS: My exam went pretty well! Better than what I've expected but my result is getting worse & worse. ASIANS PROBLEM :(

This is today's sky. Pretty right? :)

Good Evening :)

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