Monday, August 20, 2012

A Letter To The Future Me.

Dear 25-year-old Candy,

Hello there! How are you? I hope you're doing fine. I don't know how's the world in 2023. Technologies must have taken over the world, that's for sure. I hope you don't get too fat! I'm sorry but I just couldn't control my appetite. I love food too much I could marry food. So, well, this is a normal letter. Just a normal letter from the 14-year-old you. I'm writing this to you because I know by the age of 25, you are not going to be having as much fun as I do right now. It's really fun to be young and free. No worries about house rents, taxes and family. If you're feeling as free as me, then congratulations, your life is amazing; but if you're feeling really stressed out, then you'll have to read this letter, and smile, because your life was really amazing, and the magic will continue after you finish reading this.

Well, you were a movie lover, and the Toy Story trilogy was your favourite movie. Are you still obsessed with Toy Story? I mean, you adored that movie so much, you watch them once a week when you were around 7. You like to quote from the movie too! Woody is your favourite animated character, do you remember? He was a leader of the toys, and you adored him for his amazing leadership. And, don't forget, you also enjoyed the epic quote from Buzz Lightyear, "To infinity and beyond!" 

By the way, have you started travelling? I've been living for 14 years and I haven't been to any foreign countries. And, talking about travelling, I think you still remember that your dream city is Nashville. Haha. Well, Nashville is not exactly a city, but well, you liked Nashville for the peaceful feeling it gives and the heart-warming people living in around there. Of course, you also want to visit Paris, the romantic city and London. I don't remember why, but you seem to like the Great Britain a lot!

You also loved music. I hope you still do. Music has changed your life. Remember? Before you got into music, you were just a nerd, who always gets #1 in class. After that, your studying slacked, but because of music, your life has become so beautiful and you changed a lot since then. You don't have a favourite song, nor a favourite musician, but you loved Taylor Swift to death. You liked her for not just her songs, but also her. You liked indie music, for example, Joe Brooks. Ed Sheeran used to be an indie artist, but you liked his musical style a lot too. You also loved Adam Young, not just for Owl City, but also for Sky Sailing, Port Blue and Ambient Blue. You liked acoustic songs a lot, and folk songs too. I hope you haven't started listening to K-Pop. You were the only person in school that did not like K-Pop.

You like to take photos and post them on Instagram. Even though you realize that it's annoying to post photos every day, you just couldn't resist. You were really into photography and cinematography. Basically, you take photos every day, often using your iPhone instead of your DSLR. You only use DSLR when you weren't with your friends because you know that they will break your DSLR into pieces. You really like to take pictures of your friends when they weren't paying attention and you also like to take pictures of weird stuff and also beautiful sceneries. I hope you still do.

Now, let's talk about who you were. You were the total opposite of how a normal teenage girl behaves. They wear short skirts, you wear t-shirts. (okay, fine I admit it, I copied this line from Taylor's song) They fall in love with boys, you fall in love with food. They talk about love, you talk about fictional characters. There'll be laughter if you were there. You liked sarcasm a lot too. You think a lot. About life and about music and about food and about books... But you never talked about them in front of your friends. You write them down, either by tweeting them or by blogging them. Oh, talking about friends, you have a whole bunch of friends, but you don't have any friends that are best for you, A.K.A best friend. You find it very girl-y and...just yucky. You don't have a dream job, but you have a dream: You wanted to go to Nashville, Paris and London and to meet Taylor Swift.

You were a very happy-go-lucky person. You didn't care about what people think about you. You didn't mind if you were alone. I'm not sure how are you in 2023, but I hope you hadn't changed much. I'll always read this letter and remind myself not to change too much until people couldn't recognize me. Anything could happen in 10 years. In the past 14 years, many things have happened: Two of my favourite person passed away; I got first place in a national competition. (my greatest achievement so far); and finally, I learnt that life is amazing and if possible, I will spend most of my time doing stuff that I like.

You may or may not remain the person you used to be, but I hope you wouldn't change too much. I realized that these two years have been the best of my life so far. You changed a lot since birth, of course you did. And you've finally found out the way you want to live your life, and that is to enjoy. If you were busy finding a job right now, or you've found a job, and your life is considered stable, do not slow down. Keep your pace up and go on, enjoy your life. And by enjoy, I mean to do something, not to stop. Oh, and of course, do not get too busy until you forget to find the right person ;)



Saturday, August 18, 2012

Installations and Stuff.

These two days, I felt terribly tired. Like, yesterday, 17th August 2012, I went to get my first passport ever. We waited for 2 hours. Finally, I get to go home. (I might be going to Singapore soon, to have fun at the Universal Studio weeee)

That night, I went for the CHS Prefects Annual Dinner. The theme for this year's dinner is "Colours of Summer" which everyone liked because most of us don't have to wear those fancy dresses. Aw yeah. To be honest, I did not enjoy the dinner very much. Like, I can't blend in with my seniors, but still, it's really fun when other juniors joined me in the jacuzzi ;)

Today, well, tiring day. H&G installation. I went and played some games. Those games were gross and disgusting, yet fun. The first game was that the seniors will have to drink four cups of bitter-y beverage while we juniors place our foot into a basin of ice water. MY FOOT ALMOST FROZE. Then, we have this game where we need to break the watermelon using our hands ONLY, and we'll have to finish eating it in time. It's really gross to play games like this on a field, full of grass, you know.

Up next, we'll have to place our face into a basin of water and we'll have to grab a lime (in the water) using our mouth. And then we have our 'newspaper fight duel' and finally, tug-of-war ;)

I also performed "River Flows In You" by Yiruma with other junior ensembles. The installation was amazing though :)

Alright now, listen to this song. My friend, Emily recommended this song to me :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Changes.

This is a post that'll relate to everyone. It's about our process of life and the way we THINK at these FOUR 'HOODS'. There are FOUR 'HOODS' in our life. And I'm going to talk about the FOUR of them, CHILD-HOOD, TEENAGE-HOOD, ADULT-HOOD, ELDER-HOOD.

1) "Yay I'm going to school! I missed school!"
2) "Mum, what are we eating today?" Mum: "Your favourite food.." "Yay! Is it ice cream?"   Mum: "Yes." "Yayyyy!! I love you so much, mum!!"
3) "Oh. No. The TV is not playing my favorite TV show today! This is just so sad!"

1) "Why is she ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Not again. She's mad at me for no reason!"
2) "My grades are going down. My parents are going to yell at me again..."
3) "Let's watch a movie today! I felt so stressed studying!"

1) "I have to get another job. Pffft. I can't let my children starve."
2) "We need to pay rent again...?"
3) "Prices are rising. My children are waiting for me at home."

1) "I'm so glad my children are mature now. My hard work paid."
2) "I don't want to bother my children. They are going to think I'm annoying."
3) "I don't have much time left."

Yup. That's how people change. When I was a child, I didn't know that growing up is not fun at all. I let it passed by me. But well, I had the time of my life watching amazing TV shows during my childhood. And eating. I had a pretty good childhood.

But it passed way too quickly! I'm a teenager now. And I don't like being a teenager. It's so frustrating and just... UGH. But now I know, when we reach the adult-hood, we are going to have to suffer so much. It's going to be all about money and children. We will lose our freedom. That is why, if you're still a teenager now, you should REALLY appreciate being who you are and live every moment of being a teenager.

NOTES: I don't really know what to blog these days. But this week is really funnnnn!! Next week will be even betterrrrrr!! I'll post two more blogs about what I've been doing these two weeks. Pictures included. I'm also not in the freaking mood of blogging today. But well, I was bored, and I haven't updated my blog in like, weeks, so, yeah.

Well, RECOMMENDATION TIME. New song by the one and only, TAYLORRR SWIFTTT. but well, I don't like this song as much as her old songs, lyrically. But it's still so good, melodically :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Men's Best Friend.

Do you know what does the term "Men's Best Friend" stand for? (just in case you're stupid)
Yup. It's dog. And well, I have a dog now! :)
This is how it looked like:

"Naw... I wanna get in the house."
It all started at 18th July 2012. That day, after school, around 6 something, I walked to dad's car, and he told me there's a surprise. He took my bag and I opened the car door. A less-than-average height dog was standing on the seat, with a piece of cloth under its feet. Wow #1.

I sat next to it. Bad smell. Wow #2. He wanted to lick me, but I moved my body away from him, and he seemed to know that I don't being licked. Wow #3. On the whole journey back home, it seemed so quiet. It didn't bark, and it didn't really moved. (I'll start using 'he'.) He just laid on the seat and slept. Wow #4.

Dad told me the dog's story. My dad was on the way to fetch me when he saw a crowd of people surrounding a man. He joined the crowd and saw an Indian man splashing water at the dog. My dad said he heard someone saying, "He's gonna cook it tonight, won't he?" and then my dad got a little panic.

All of a sudden, the dog ran away from the Indian man and my dad followed him and 'he' seemed to understand my dad. My dad gave hand signal and asked 'him' to follow him. And so he did. Wow #5.

We didn't know if he had a master, but well, so far, nobody has posted anything about missing dog. So, yeah, now, the dog is mine. And we named him Oba (for a very special reason, but I'll not tell). FINAL WOW.

We suspect this dog was abused since young. And he's still quite young. I think he's just 10 months old or something. And I'm here to show you animal abusers this:

"You don't mess with me."
Dogs are living things too. They have feelings, too. And they don't hurt each other as much as we, humans do.

And also, if you're interested in animals' sight, here's a guide brought to you by Mezzmer (if you're patient enough to read ALL of it):