Saturday, September 22, 2012

Goodbye Sister! :')

Hey there, today's 22/9, one month to RED, but also a sad day for me, since my half-sister, Josephine, is leaving to the UK. Well, maybe I should say, "WAS" cause she's in the plane already. Going to describe my emotions in two paragraphs.

So, I didn't really talk with her today because I don't want to, I know I'll make myself cry. And her friends also talked with her a lot, so I didn't wanna bother them. When she was about to depart, she hugged everyone, and everyone said something to her, as advice, and she started crying. I stood as far away as possible because I didn't want to hug her. I feel so sad that moment, I was crying already, but there were no tears because I was holding them back. Then, she went into the departure and we went home. I cried on the way home, but it was dark, and I was making no sobbing sound, so yeah no one noticed :)

To be honest, I think that the reason I cried is not because she's leaving, it's more than that. She's like my only friend when I was a child. I don't know how to say our real relationship, but just we're not blood-related but we're like half-sister since young. She's LEGIT my only friend since I was born till when I started going to middle school because I was really bad at making friends. So, I cried because I felt like, everyone who were in my childhood are grown-ups now. I felt really, really heartbroken.

We had too many memories together:
1) We went to three concerts together: Wonder Girls, Westlife and Avril Lavigne.
2) Once, we went to a restaurant for lunch and then we talked about something and we laughed so hard we hid under the table and everyone gave us weird stares.
3) We watched Finding Nemo together in the cinema. It's the first time I've ever been to a cinema. There's a scene where nobody is laughing, but she found it really funny and so she became the only one who laughed in the cinema. And then everyone stared at us, and it was really awkward.
4) She taught me ice skating!
5) We used to have a diary where I write to her about stuff I didn't dare to speak out, and she would reply me with how I should face it. That was when my uncle passed away & my dad went for a surgery & my momma got stroke and I had a very, very traumatic time.

And the funniest thing is that she's 7 years older than me, and our birthday are ONE day apart. Mine's on 2nd of November, and hers is on the 3rd of November. And I have a nephew, he's 7 years younger than me, and his birthday is on the 5th of November. (SO CLOSE)

Well, basically, that's it. I just noticed that, everyone around me, who used to be my childhood besties, are all grown-ups now, because I am the youngest one in my family (before my nephew was born). They will all be finding jobs, working, and be busy earning money (maybe). However, I think 2 years later when she's back, I will be having fun with her, as well as my other cousin bros and sis. One of my cousin bros who came back from Oklahoma few months ago, has now found a job and settled down.

Might not be having as much fun as we used to, but the memories will last forever. Love all you sis and bros :)

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