Monday, December 31, 2012

Short Note To Self.

*Just a short note to self.

Gah it's coming soon. 2013. Today is the last day of 2012. I went out for a haircut and stuff. The rest of the day are just my regular routine. I'm not ready for 2013. New school year aka new class aka new classmates aka new stress aka new responsibilities aka meh. But I have to face this crap anyway.

New Year Resolutions:

1. Maintain my school result - not that hard to reach actually. I just gotta study more frequently or just let it be, no matter what, I just do not want my results to drop too much.

2. 8A's for PMR - I have to get 8A's. My mum said if I do not get 8A's I will not be able to watch Taylor's perform when she's coming. Way to go, mum! Best motivation ever!!!!!!!!!!!! (note the sarcasm)

3. Nothing much just continue being a lazy student who doesn't like to attend society/club meetings and hates sports. Well I'm sorry I'm not a healthy person and not an active member of my club, I just do not like it ok. Ok.


You can see how much I do not want to step into a new year.


2013. Be good. Anyway, if anyone is reading this,

Friday, December 28, 2012


2012 is ending soon. I thought I should try and list some remarkable events/people/films/songs/albums/videos to honour such a smooth year for me.

First of all, I'd like to start with all the gun shootings in America. It's not a good thing and should not be glorified, but it's also a lesson to everyone in the world that people are losing faith in humanity. There was a The Dark Knight Rises shooting, killing innocent fans of a criminal-sweeper. Then, there's a CT shooting, killing innocent souls. Just thought we should take a little moment to think about these unfortunate events.

Now, the rest of the post will be really cheerful (and note this is a really long post. REALLY LONG POST.)

1. Jack Harries & Finn Harries

Yeah, so, yeah, I really like them. Jack started posting videos in 2011 but I only found out about them this year. They're definitely going to be famous alright, so I don't even know what to say about them, but they're just two YouTubers (twins) who make me laugh (a lot) with their videos. They're probably really rich, thus explains the great video quality; they're also very creative people, probably cause their father is a filmmaker. Finn has done some projects on his own; Jack, meanwhile, is a very entertaining comedian. I wish I was a creative person like them, so I could design cute little cartoons, but unfortunately I'm not. They're my and a lot of other girls' YouTube obsession. One of the best things of 2012. :)

2. Les Misérables and Life Of Pi

Les Mis: Well, I mean the film of course. Just watched it few hours ago, and I'm here posting about this musical film. The films this year are great, especially this and Life Of Pi. Guess I'm just tired of watching the normal Hollywood films that are explosions-filled. I think both Les Mis covers a lot of things but most of all I think the film is about having faith. Les Mis is probably the best thing after Sound Of Music. They have brought storytelling to a whole new level. The whole film's story was told in musical form and the music was recorded live along with their acting. (which is so mind-blowing!!!!!) Anne Hathaway's performance (both acting and singing) will probably earn her countless awards. Thanks to the author of this historical novel, Victor Hugo, this story finally gets told on the big screen. I'm definitely going to do some research on musical films after this.

Life Of Pi: Meanwhile Life Of Pi is really great, but I felt the storyline was slightly long-winded and the time spent on the ocean was a little bit longer than I want it to be. It covers a lot of things though-- faith, friendship, and most remarkably survivor. I really like the 3D graphics and the tiger and other fictional creatures. As an animal lover, I think these little creatures included in the film made me like it even more. They even have some meerkats in the film, I'm like aaaaaaahhhhhhhh too cute. It is not going to be loved because, yes, firstly, it is very long-winded, and secondly, there are no hot celebrities in the film. Stereotype audience. I loved the ending of the film so much. I thought it was gonna end like Inception, letting us fill the blank with our mind, but no, turns out, I weep.

3. channel ORANGE

If I were allowed to pick Album Of The Year, I'd pick this one. Red is as great as Taylor's songwriting skills, but I have to say this album is, in my opinion, better. As much as I love R&B and Soul music, (I'm kind of an all-genre person) I think R&Bs on the radios this year are really crappy. (besides Ne-Yo, he's pretty awesome) Usher used to have some smooth hits, but I'm not really a big fan of his new songs. This Frank Ocean record touches from good old 90s R&B-inspired tunes, to a reference song about Forrest Gump, (am a big fan of the movie too) to his confessions on having feelings towards male etc. "Lost" is my favorite on the first listen of this album, it is very typical R&B style, but "Forrest Gump" sounds playfully fun to me. But what makes this album so great is that it's not just about the music, it's about telling multiple stories, in a very complex way. There's a dialogue in "Not Just Money" that says, "It's not just money, it's happiness. It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad. It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets. That's what it is, it's not just money. It's so much more than that." And then the dialogue ends with "saving that seven dollars". Then continues the song "Super Rich Kids" which is the song right after its interlude "Not Just Money". People praise this album for the honesty in community-- and let's not compare our skin colour here-- any adults can agree to any of the songs on this album.

Song recommendation: "Thinking About You" because it is an ordinary love song. Everyone loves love songs.

4. Ed Sheeran

He's definitely one of the highlights of my 2012. I feel sad because I have never heard of him before "Moments". (the song he wrote for One Direction) Oh well, from now onwards I bet he's going to be really successful in a year or two. I downloaded his debut LP "+" and I just immediately loved it! It was like love at first heard. I think it's plainly because I like his musical style. To me, he's a combination of folk-hip hop-acoustic. His fast singing is also very impressive and remarkable. I think he doesn't remind me of any artists except for Eminem-- for telling stories about himself in his songs, for example in "You Need Me, I Don't Need You". (or maybe I just have poor recognition of good music artists like him) Then I started downloading his other EPs. He is one of a kind. His music is very own and original. I hope he stays the same even after overflowing success.

Song recommendation: "Give Me Love" because it is a great song. Bye.

5. Songs

John Mayer - Shadow Days

As douche-y as John Mayer is, this song is really good. He's a great musician, that is for sure. I really like this song even though I don't have it on my iPod. I think this song is written as him being the "womanizer" of the music industry, and how he regrets playing with all his past's feelings. Well, I personally think that he wrote this song for every single one of his ex, like Jennifer Aniston (yes she's one of his exes) but Taylor. I think the both of them kinda "ugh" each other. That was really cheeky. Well, who cares anyway. This song is great.

Ellie Goulding - My Blood

*please excuse me while I fangirl over this song* I'll have to tell you this song is one of my favorite songs on Ellie Goulding's record "Halcyon". Too bad she hasn't made this a single yet. If she made this as one of her singles, it'd probably get a lot of airplays and will be on the top of the charts, just like "Lights" and "Anything Could Happen". It's a breakup song probably. Well, I said "probably" because this song has a lot of blood and flesh and bleached bones. If it was a metal song I'd probably not like it because, personally I'm not a metal fan. The pre-chorus and the chorus are so great it hurts. It's so intense and emotional and haunting.

Coldplay - Charlie Brown

I do not even know why I added this song out of all the great songs on the record. Overall, I love "Mylo Xyloto" because of the interludes. I just love having surprises on a record. This song is share-worthy though. Acoustic guitar can be heard in this song alright, so it kinda stands out in the album. (and let's not mention the song title that reminds you of that little man) The album is filled with unique sounds produced by instruments/software that I can't even figure out. FYI, the album follows a love story, and this song is the fourth song on it, but I still have no idea which part of a relationship is this song about, so I googled it.... "Be like Charlie Brown, who is always getting picked on and nothing really works out for him. Always get back up again." so it's probably about a boy having a hard time trying to get to the girl.

Jason Mraz - The Freedom Song

So, this is the kind of song that I listen to when I'm bored or not in a good mood. I normally listen to happy songs to cheer me up instead of emotional songs because that'd make me feel even worse. Or maybe I create a playlist of relaxing tunes and listen to them while falling asleep. This song is extremely bubbly. Jason Mraz sounds so free when he's singing, and his voice sounds like the going-to-the-beach-and-lying-on-the-soft-sand-and-close-your-eyes-and-enjoy type, so this song is perfect in every way. I like the trumpet part and the backup vocals harmonizing. It's also a lesson. When you feel good, you sing.

Hunter Hayes - Wanted

I can't figure out any other artists, so I thought I should add a country song. This song is quite popular honestly, so you've probably heard it, but if you haven't already, try it. It's really refreshing if you're a pop person. You hear Justin Bieber & One Direction serenade girls everyday on the radio, you're probably sick of them already, so here's a sweeter, slower and more sincere love song. To me, love songs are supposed to sound like this, not the loud, annoying type. Or maybe I just prefer love songs the way it used to be. This song kinda reminds me of old love songs.

6. Videos

So, I do YouTube a lot. I'm now struggling to find good videos to post on here. So, I'm just gonna post this cover. My country has a pretty great filming crew, their username is "JinnyboyTV" if you don't mind watching their videos. They have really great videos, but the only problem is the language and the rotten English we speak in our daily lives. So, hey, this cover is great (I LOVE FRIENDS) and of course it doesn't beat the original but hey give these artists a chance. 

If you wanna watch videos on YouTube, whether they're funny, parodies, or videos to send a message, you can go to Finny's blog right HERE. Check out his "Tube Tuesday". Mind checking out his "Music Monday" too! He has great taste in music.


There are things I wanna add but damn that's a lot of things I found in 2012. Some other remarkable things are the Olympics, KONY 2012 and a lot others things that I missed out. And everyone around me doing the Gangnam dance and me staying as far away as possible from people who do the dance.


Anyway, 2013 is coming soon. I hope it's going to be good but I'll have a lot of studies to do in 2013.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas has passed though. I'm here wishing you a late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year!

I live in a country where we do not get to enjoy playing in the snow, nor do people celebrate Christmas heavily. As years go by, people in my country just become more and more ignorant about Christmas. Well, I love Christmas though. I love Christmas as much as I love salmons (and that's real love okay). Here are some reasons why...

I LOVE WINTER. Winter is just such a beautiful season. I have never experienced four seasons, so maybe that's one of the reasons why I love it so much. I just love how peaceful and quiet the streets look like, and I'll get to look out my windows, and seeing Jack Frost's beautiful work. Also, watching snowfall is something I'd really love to do before I die. Like, real snowfall. I know, people who lives in London probably got tired of the cold weather, well, I have never felt it, a winter experience will be fresh enough for me.

IT'S SO MAGICAL. This holiday season is the only time where we can believe in magical things without getting judged. I am the type of girl who loves believing in stuff that makes me feel happy and keeps my hope up. I know it's not right and we should face the real world, but I can choose to do both at the same time. It's my choice. I believe in Santa travelling around every kid's room, sending them gifts; I believe in tooth fairy collecting our teeth; I believe in Jack Frost bringing snow to the Earth. I believe in the Easter Bunny with all his Easter Eggs; I believe in Sandman bringing sweet dreams and hope to little kids; I believe in every possible thing-- because it makes me happy and feel like a kid.

CHRISTMAS SONGS. Christmas songs are a big part of making Christmas so beautiful and magical. First of all, who doesn't like Christmas songs? Second of all, everyone knows how to sing at least two or three Christmas songs. Everyone. Third of all, Christmas songs make everything seem so easy and happy. Smurfs are always happy; humans can't be happy all the time, but on this day, everything is great. Everything is fine because we stop over thinking on this day. We just celebrate happiness. Happiness, is all I ever wanted and my only desire.

CHRISTMAS NIGHTS. Gahhh, I love Christmas night. I love it so much I'm gonna dieeee. They're just so beautiful.

So, done with confessing my love for Christmas, I can now tell you how I spent my Christmas.

Woke up. Watch Friends' Christmas episodes. Had Christmas dinner at cousin sister's apartment. Watched "The Santa Clause" on the TV. That's it.

Simple. Short. But I love it. I just love celebrating Christmas for it just makes me so freaking happy and joyful. Like a little kid.

This is my cousin sister's Christmas tree (I helped decorated it too)

So, anyway, Merry Late Christmas!!! New year is coming soon, that means a new school year. I'm not prepared yet. I no longer like school. I used to have that 60% passion for school friends, now it's dropping as fast as a roller coaster drops. 0% passion. Bye school.

So, soon I'll be talking about New Year and my resolutions...? I never make resolutions. Even if I make one up, I will not work for it anyway.

Anyway, here's an incredibly cute video by JacksGap and a Christmas song that I really love :)


Monday, December 24, 2012

The Trip

So, the trip was incredibly cool, but I'm just gonna tell you about Universal Studio Singapore.

Pictures taken from web.

It's made up of seven different areas, and I'm gonna tell you each and everyone of it.

a. Hollywood
b. New York
c. Sci-Fi City
d. Ancient Egypt
e. The Lost World
f. Far Far Away
g. Madagascar

(*** means MUST-GO)


The outside of the ride
Damn, this ride's super cool, but it's a little bit too short in my opinion. I can feel the rain and heat and wind. I went for it twice. Everyone's first thought of entering the Universal Studio-- "GO FOR THE TRANSFORMERS FIRST, ALRIGHT?" EVERYONE.

2) LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Hosted by Steven Spielberg (Hollywood)***

The outside
You have to visit this place. It's super cool. It shows you a live action of a hurricane taking place in NYC. There will be explosions/quakes happening right before your eyes. BUT NO HARM. Just go for it. MUST GO.


Not the best but it's a really cute, storytelling ride. If you're bringing along kids with you, this ride is the one. You might get a little wet though.


A short short roller coaster ride. Like, I'm serious. Short. It felt like 5 seconds to me. This can be like a warm-up for the HUMAN & CYLON roller coaster ride, but brace yourselves, because HUMAN & CYLON are 10000000000000000000x scarier.

5) WATERWORLD (The Lost World)***

THIS IS A MUST-GO MY FRIEND. MUST GO. It's a live, action-packed, explosions-filled performance. I'll give the story a 4/5 rating. I'll give the cast a 5/5 though. Must hurt to free fall into the water. Also, you'll get wet depends on where you're seated. GO TRY THE SOAKED ZONE.

6) SHREK 4-D ADVENTURE (Far Far Away)

This is a fun one. You just sit there like you're in a normal theatre, except this one is way cooler than your normal 3D movies. You should go for this one too :)


If you get scared easily this is not for you. You should appreciate the walk to the ride though. I have to say it's very impressive, with all the strings and mummies and statues, very cool. However I have to say this ride is just another high-speed roller coaster, the only difference is that, you're screaming in complete darkness.


Well, this is a special show for Christmas month. I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I LOVE SNOW.


The red one. IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH THEN GO FOR IT. This one's a little bit faster than Cylon, but you can still feel the ground so it's fine.


The blue one. As I said, IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH. This one's cooler. It has a 360 degrees spin. And your legs are just not touching anything but air. OH I WENT ON THIS TWICE IT'S SO WORTH IT EXCEPT FOR THE PAIN IN MY THROAT.


Slightly disappointing. The dinosaurs aren't that scary. They should've been more real. However, the buildings and the trees are really, just like, in the movie. I got soaked wet. Get yourself a raincoat bro.

I think that's it. I also got to watch a parade. It was pretty cool. I think you can search for the videos online.

I'm now searching for videos of Universal Studios Hollywood's rides videos, I think they have cooler (and scarier rides) but Singapore has Transformers. BOO YA.



Great job, but I expect more to come soon! One day I'll be going to Universal Studios Hollywood. BAHA.



Saturday, December 8, 2012


Hello. A little update on what has happened on the past few weeks/months. (no particular order)

1. Movies. Movies. And Movies.

So, I've watched a lot of movies at home & in the theaters during this holiday. I'm just gonna list a few:

a) Zombieland (horror-comedy, not really scary, but definitely interesting to watch)
b) Can't Buy Me Love (super cute love story)
c) Life Of Pi (very fresh and different from the normal America/British movies you always watch)
d) Rise Of The Guardians (I fell in love with Jack Frost for a few weeks after watching this)
e) Ted (totally an 18-and-above movie, but I enjoyed it so much)
f) The Help (first film ever that made me cry, like, for real)
g) (500) Days Of Summer (didn't cry but it's a very fresh movie with a very unexpected ending)
h) Enchanted (so darn adorable and fun)
i) 21 Jump Street (laughed along the whole freaking movie)
j) Crazy, Stupid, Love (the kind of movie that makes you laugh, and makes you believe in real love)
k) Meet The Robinsons (orrrsssuuuummmm I watched it as a kid)
l) Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (pointless movie but it was a stupid, funny adventure)

(OK. I lied when I said 'list a few'. I apologize for that.)

Now, a picture of beautiful snowflakes before proceeding (it's winter in every country but mine!!!!)

2. Grey's Anatomy

Yup, I definitely got myself into TV shows this holiday. My new obsession is definitely Grey's Anatomy.
Here's some reasons why:

a) Patrick Dempsey aka McDreamy.
b) Chyler Leigh aka Lexie Grey aka Little Grey
c) Ellen Pompeo aka Meredith Grey
d) Sandra Oh aka Cristina Yang aka My Hero
e) The very strong characters on this show.
f) Storyline on 'the real world' - when you finally get a job and you can finally call yourself an 'adult'
g) The surgeries.
h) The narratives/lessons in every episode.
i) Real/raw emotions.
j) The good-looking actors & actress.
k) The jokes.
l) Cristina Yang & Miranda Bailey's sarcasm.
m) The friendship.
n) Gives me a little tip on how the real world will look like. I really appreciate that.
o) Not another stupid teenager show.

Well, I can list a tons more. And I also watched some other TV shows, like Friends (eeee it's so awesome) & Once Upon A Time (not a HUGE fan, but the story is interesting).

Alright, here's a picture of some ice cream. *drools* *eats* *pukes rainbows* *falls in love* *in a relationship with ice cream*

3. Haylor

Oh, well, I didn't want to go into details. However, I have to say this has been a very fresh experience for me as a human. Like, I've never felt that much anger in me. As a Taylor Swift fan, I was really mad at some of the One Direction fans for some reasons, I tried to protect Taylor, and then I figured out how stupid I sounded when I was protecting her. I realized that Taylor is an adult and I'm a 14-year-old annoying teenager who sits in front of my computer all day and I can't do anything. Plus, it will fade soon, so I decided that I should tweet random stuff instead of getting myself involved in such a pointless drama. Ah, how classy I feel right now. Just kidding, if you see the way I eat at home, you'll...well...I won't go that far. (PS: I admire you, Taylor, as a person, and also as a musician. Don't ask me why. I just admire you.)

Gah, these pictures from Tumblr are making me feel like the world is such a beautiful place:

4. I'm Going To Travel (!!!!!!!!)

You probably don't know about this, but, I've never travelled to any foreign countries. I know, shame on me. Alright, so, sometime in late December, I'm going to Singapore (!!!!!!!) Well, my dream foreign places are London, Paris, Nashville & New Zealand, and I wanna live in a four season country for one whole year (or more), but, I'll do those when I'm an adult and when I'm finally considered a "free human". I'm still a teenager, living a teenager life, studying, watching TV shows, staying at home, capturing beautiful pictures/moments, listening to music & my parents giving me advices etc. I love this teenage life, but I think being an adult could be fun too. Well, Grey's Anatomy gave me the hope that being an adult can be fun, I know a lot will disagree, but I'm a free person, I'll travel to places I adore and do stuff I love to do.

"The world is like a book, and the people who doesn't travel reads only one page."
- Some Wise Dude/Gal (Wise, indeed.)

 5. Grammys

Faith in music: RESTORED & DESTROYED at the same time.

RESTORED - Taylor got nominated for THREE Grammys (!!!!!!!) I'm so happy for her because she truly deserves it, no matter what the others say about her. Record Of The Year ("We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"); Best Country Duo/Group Performance ("Safe & Sound"); Best Song Written For Visual Media ("Safe & Sound"). When I first heard "Safe & Sound", I said something that I'll never forget, ever-- "I smell some Grammys". I'm a freaking psychic :)

DESTROYED - "Call Me Maybe" got nominated for a Grammy. Well, that song is kind of my guilty pleasure. (It's so catchy I'm gonna die!!!!!!) but then I just think that it's not Grammy-worthy. Well, my opinion.

NOT-SO-SURE-WHAT-TO-SAY - Justin Bieber didn't get nominated. I mean, his songs aren't the best, and they aren't exactly "great", but I think he worked pretty hard and after all the hates, he's still quite grounded, that's pretty great.

And I downloaded Frank Ocean's "channel ORANGE" album because of his six Grammy nods, it was freaking amazing. Album Of The Year. Hands down.

Alright, I think that's it. That's just it. I've learnt a few things the past few weeks:

a) Social network is complicated. That's why our generation has a very complicated mind at the age of 14. I expect someone to help rebuild this crap called 'humanity'.

b) 99% of the people are nice and smart. The rest of the 1% (including me) goes to my school.

c) Everybody has something great in them. Everyone has something attractive about them. (learnt from Grey's Anatomy)

d) High school is completely stupid.

e) I like to say the phrase in 'd' to everyone around me.

f) I don't want to be stupid, but I have a mixed feeling about growing up.

g) I'm going to read these blog posts when I'm an adult, with a job, and I'm going to delete my blog, with whatever device that's going to be invented in the future. (maybe not)

h) Grey's Anatomy = life. (literally)

i) Men can look sexy in their 40s. (Proof: Patrick Dempsey & Eric Dane)

j) Grey's Anatomy is perfect.

k) There are stupid people in the world too. But they're not bad people.

l) Grey's Anatomy :) :) :)

Alright, that's it. I don't really go out as much as the rest of you during holiday, because I want my teenage years to be relaxing and, well, my desktop is a fantastic companion. *whispers* I want my life back.

Just kidding, I have a life okay. Ok. I actually want to live a teenage life like the 90s teenagers, but then, technology took over, and I don't even know how to leave technology alone. They're perfect. Anyway.

And, just a reminder for those of you don't know...