Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas has passed though. I'm here wishing you a late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year!

I live in a country where we do not get to enjoy playing in the snow, nor do people celebrate Christmas heavily. As years go by, people in my country just become more and more ignorant about Christmas. Well, I love Christmas though. I love Christmas as much as I love salmons (and that's real love okay). Here are some reasons why...

I LOVE WINTER. Winter is just such a beautiful season. I have never experienced four seasons, so maybe that's one of the reasons why I love it so much. I just love how peaceful and quiet the streets look like, and I'll get to look out my windows, and seeing Jack Frost's beautiful work. Also, watching snowfall is something I'd really love to do before I die. Like, real snowfall. I know, people who lives in London probably got tired of the cold weather, well, I have never felt it, a winter experience will be fresh enough for me.

IT'S SO MAGICAL. This holiday season is the only time where we can believe in magical things without getting judged. I am the type of girl who loves believing in stuff that makes me feel happy and keeps my hope up. I know it's not right and we should face the real world, but I can choose to do both at the same time. It's my choice. I believe in Santa travelling around every kid's room, sending them gifts; I believe in tooth fairy collecting our teeth; I believe in Jack Frost bringing snow to the Earth. I believe in the Easter Bunny with all his Easter Eggs; I believe in Sandman bringing sweet dreams and hope to little kids; I believe in every possible thing-- because it makes me happy and feel like a kid.

CHRISTMAS SONGS. Christmas songs are a big part of making Christmas so beautiful and magical. First of all, who doesn't like Christmas songs? Second of all, everyone knows how to sing at least two or three Christmas songs. Everyone. Third of all, Christmas songs make everything seem so easy and happy. Smurfs are always happy; humans can't be happy all the time, but on this day, everything is great. Everything is fine because we stop over thinking on this day. We just celebrate happiness. Happiness, is all I ever wanted and my only desire.

CHRISTMAS NIGHTS. Gahhh, I love Christmas night. I love it so much I'm gonna dieeee. They're just so beautiful.

So, done with confessing my love for Christmas, I can now tell you how I spent my Christmas.

Woke up. Watch Friends' Christmas episodes. Had Christmas dinner at cousin sister's apartment. Watched "The Santa Clause" on the TV. That's it.

Simple. Short. But I love it. I just love celebrating Christmas for it just makes me so freaking happy and joyful. Like a little kid.

This is my cousin sister's Christmas tree (I helped decorated it too)

So, anyway, Merry Late Christmas!!! New year is coming soon, that means a new school year. I'm not prepared yet. I no longer like school. I used to have that 60% passion for school friends, now it's dropping as fast as a roller coaster drops. 0% passion. Bye school.

So, soon I'll be talking about New Year and my resolutions...? I never make resolutions. Even if I make one up, I will not work for it anyway.

Anyway, here's an incredibly cute video by JacksGap and a Christmas song that I really love :)


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