Sunday, February 17, 2013

Red Nose Day & A New Discovery

Right now, I'm not feeling sad at all, I'm feeling good, I just did a little charity work without actually stepping out of my house. I am feeling GREAT at the moment. This is how you can help people if you are a lazy bum who only likes to stay at home and eat all the food in your fridge.
Red Nose Day 2013 will be held on March 15. It is, in the easiest words, a fundraising event organized by a British organization called Comic Relief. I have heard of this event before, but I was a little bit too young to know what was its main purpose as I was distracted by the hilarious red nose on everyone's face. Now that I have done a little research, Red Nose Day 2011's theme was "Do Something Funny for Money" and a quote "Being silly for a serious cause" was used, which is pretty refreshing for me, because most of the fundraising events are depressing as hell, while this, is a really fun and interesting event.

To donate, you can visit Red Nose Day's website doesn't matter which part of the world you're from, as long as you have a device, an average internet connection and a card. Ask your parents if you are too young to own a card! You can also visit this page called What We Do to know more about what they do with your money, (very important) and show it to your parents to convince them that this is a MASSIVE event, NOT a fake, money-stealing website. Also, if you are curious about how much you should donate, you can watch this video, if you are expecting the minimum sacrifices (whether you like One Direction or not).

Well, for me, I donated 5 sterling pounds after watching this video, which, after converting to my country's currency, is about 24 Ringgit (7.76 USD). 

Or what you can do is, purchase the song "One Way Or Another" on your own iTunes. I'm not a "Directioner" but I do quite like that song and the money goes to charity anyway, so I did buy that song too.

Not too much to ask for, huh? So, that's it about Red Nose Day, I will be watching the live telethon on March 15. I do believe that not many people/strangers read this blog very often, but if you are not a friend of mine, yet are reading this, I really do hope that you could do something for the less fortunates. It is not about being able to show people how big your heart is, it's about the feeling you get after you have done goods for today. A LITTLE money saves a LARGE amount of people.

Here's a promo picture of Mr. Bean (with Teddy) for the Red Nose Day 2007.
(Made my whole day)

Well, about the "A New Discovery" thing, it is about this website called RookieIt's like, cookie, except it's rookie. I am honestly proud of myself for being able to find out about this website, even though I do know of some other teen websites, but I was never a fan of any of those, except for this one. This one is more of a teen website for teens who admire stuff from old times, like old songs, old artists, old bands, old records, old books, old movies. Those are totally my thing.

Their theme this month is "Passion", which covers about everything. I first saw this story about a Cardinal which got me hooked up to this website. It is a website filled with hipsters, though I do not label myself as those little freaks, I do enjoy a lot of the stuff on the website. It covers TV shows, movies, books, music, stories, diary entries, pictures of life, hilarious sources etc.

This post posted on Valentine's Day entitled "Fear Of Missing Cool" labelled under "fun" got me banging my hands on my poor computer desk and my stomach was practically in pain after too much laughter.

Also, this impressive music post about one of my favourite blues bands, Fleetwood MacWell, the truth is, I do not know of many blue bands, thus causing me to be a fan of Fleetwood Mac's music. 

As you can see, I am highlighting links in RED to honour Red Nose Day. That's about it. I am currently obsessed with vinyl records and vinyl players, but I haven't gotten one (due to the cost) yet I might be able to play with it in a few hours, so, goodbye, I shall prepare myself for this historical moment. See you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

Watched this movie yesterday, that's why I slept at 11.30PM, and had to wake up at 5:50AM. This day has been so tiring but it was so worth it. This movie is so worth watching. I just love it so much. Let me tell you more about it. No ending spoilers. Don't worry.

Just a kind reminder: If you're a young person like me, better watch it alone. Try not to watch it with your parents. Just a short reminder anyway :)

First of all, thumbs up to the screenwriters and directors and the behind-the-scenes peeps, for being able to convert the novel's story to the big screen, and not making it look like crap. The story itself is great, points to Matthew Quick for creating this story. The story basically revolves around Pat (Bradley Cooper), a divorced male (as he discovered that his wife cheated on him with a teacher). Pat just got released from the mental hospital after eight months of medications and counselling for the horrible heartbreak he experienced after the divorce. Then, he met Ronnie, a friend, and had dinner with Ronnie, Ronnie's wife and also Ronnie's sister-in-law, Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence). Pat recognized that Tiffany's husband died in an accident, and is a (cough) recovering sex addict (cough) Both being mentally and emotionally unstable, realized that the both of them like each other very much, calling each other as their silver linings.

Bradley Cooper
Second of all, thumbs up to Jennifer Lawrence & Bradley Cooper. The first 20 minutes was a really monotone introduction if you ask me. Honestly. Then, Tiffany was introduced, and the whole movie has suddenly become so interesting. Bradley Cooper is good too. I have never really checked out his movies, but I heard he was not that great, but in this movie, he did well. The role of Pat was very well played by Bradley, with all the screaming and yelling and anger and stuff, I liked it. 

Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence. Holy crap. I just had to say that. She is so good. So good. I mean, she is getting more and more attention after the Academy Award win for the role in this film, I definitely approve of her success even though I am a nobody. She is a great actress. She is actually better than Bradley in portraying a crazy person. She just yells so naturally and she makes me feel like she is really a mad person, and that is a great performance. You would understand if you watched the movie. I am quite glad that she won an award as Tiffany, not as Katniss Everdeen. Everyone is, all of a sudden, obsessed with Jennifer. I am one of them too, so, I cannot say anything. She is just a really, really great actress and a great person, too.

I cannot wait to see more Bradnifer collaborations. I hope there will be more of their collaborations, of course.

Probably my new favourite romantic-comedy. It is not cliche, which is, so awesome. It is funny because of the way they are. They are emotional and they just yell all the time. It is always very chaotic in the house when someone starts getting mad. And it is about two people facing huge problems at the same time, and understanding each other because they know each other better than normal people know about them. This movie made me feel so normal. I feel so normal compared to the people who are facing reality problems. This story is kind of like Shrek. Both of them are imperfect, but they helped each other through an odd friendship, and slowly became a relationship. That was how they realized that they love each other. Through helping the other who understands you. She is his silver lining. He is her silver lining.  I love the concept of it. So amazing.

Favorite scenes:

Emotions, my friend. Emotions.
"I’m pretty sure it was my dancing that put us in the Comedy category." - Jennifer Lawrence
Honestly, go watch this film. I was never a giant fan of romantic films, but this one is absolutely brilliant and fun. Go watch it, you will not regret it.

Rating: 8.5/10 for this movie. 

Friday, January 11, 2013


Dear Bean,

Yes, I named my blog Bean. I'm going to tell you about stuff.

It's been about a week since school restarted, what I feel is that, this year is going to pass slower than 2012 did. Well, my classmates are really nice and all, they're just really shy, and that's it, though I feel really glad to be in a class that's always in a peace mode. I'm seated with my primary school friend, and I'm totally okay with it. She's quiet all right, but you can really talk to her if you know stuff about pop stars. Morning session's teachers are not much different from the afternoon session's ones. One difference is that afternoon session's ones are probably, slightly, just a little bit, lazier. Well, there, I said it. And, a lot of homework.

Teachers walking in - Giving out homework - Teacher walking out of class - Another teacher entering - More homework - Goes on and on - School ends all of a sudden.

Time passes quickly when your teacher just keeps on making you do stuff. Horrible.

2013 turns out to be a little bit better than I imagined, I told myself that I'd be a lazy, inactive student, but I turned out to have the most horrifying schedule ever. Like, ever. (okay that was unnecessary) School starts at around 7.30, and ends at around 1.00 on weekdays, and I thought that I could just leave school and stuff and get home, and rest and stuff, but NO, turns out, NO. I now have to stay in school every day for club meetings and activities and stuff.

I thought I was going to hate it and feeling stressed out and *insert cuss words here* but I didn't. I'm pretty fine with it. This year isn't supposed to be a honeymoon year anyway. I just thought I should put more time in school, for the next three years. And then, college years, a whole new environment. Not sure how I feel about that, probably horrifying and confused.

I don't look like THAT, obviously. I have dark hair and I don't tie my hair up like THAT. (I used to when I was 7 though. Embarrassed to look at those pictures.)

OKAY. That was long. Now, today, was a day, which we called "Gerko Day"-- a day where students are allowed to walk around the school to pick up at least ONE club, ONE uniform and ONE sport. There are club booths everywhere, and the peeps in my school are really creative and so those stuff all look really great and pretty. I picked Photography Club, Editorial Board and Ping Pong. My uniform is this thing called Harmonica & Guitar Band. (H&G) This year is the third year of me in this band, but in the last two years I was just confused about whether I'm a member of the band or not, so, yeah, I was a blur kid, now I'm pretty into it. I guess. One thing I knew for the past two years was that, I'm in the guitar section, not the harmonica section, though I'd LOVE to learn how to play that thing. (I'd say 'how to blow that thing' but that'd sound SO wrong.)

And, the system goes like this:

Junior - Junior Ensemble - Senior Ensemble - Senior

Anyway, today, I performed with my fellow Junior Ensemble members of H&G with a song entitled "River Flows In You" by Yiruma. Whether you've heard it or not, it's an amazing song, and it's originally played on the piano, though, we, being the freaking idiots, picked this song and decided to make a little twist to that song. AND, a lot of stuff happened today. That's why I'm writing this. I want to remember this day, and also forget certain part of this day at the same time, so I'm just going to write about the goods.

My mum has a t-shirt like the one above.

Anyway, we performed twice. Once in the morning; another time in the afternoon. We performed pretty well, though not many of the audiences were paying attention to the stage. Well, it doesn't make me feel sad, actually, it makes me feel great. Like, "Nobody's watching. Hell yeah. Just pretend that nobody's watching. Just perform." even though I'm not the stage fright type of person. I used to be, not any more. The morning performance was, eh, uhm, horrible, I should say, so horrible that we got scolded by our eldest seniors; but the afternoon performance was DAMN GOOD. The song is very repetitive if you listen to it, so, we don't expect people to cheer in the middle while we're playing, but some of our seniors did give us amazing moral support and cheered so, so, so damn hard at the end of the performance. Gotta love them.

What's so good is that, by the time we were performing, all the afternoon session students weren't in the hall, so they didn't get to watch how the event ended. As H&G was the last band to perform for the day, our band got the two last performances, which, in fact, was really important as we have to end an event perfectly. Soooooo, the senior ensembles performed the phenomenal Gangnam Style to end the event, despite the fact that there were less than 100 people in the hall at the time. Some of the audiences joined in the middle of the hall to do the stupid horse dance, but it was such a good end to the day.

I left right after that. I wish I got to hear what our eldest seniors have to say about our performance for River. They got mad during our morning's performance, but the afternoon's performance was pretty nice. Honestly.

That was my day. And I just watched 10 Things I Hate About You. I honestly like that movie. There are so many high school movies out there, but this one is actually a really great one. Watching Heath Ledger's performance makes me feel so sad, he's such a great actor. What a loss. Oh, on the happy side, my boy Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in it. He was such a cutiepie in the film.

Pretty sure the soundtrack includes a lot of punk-rock music. It's such a cute film. I did not cry. I did not have the time to. It was so cute though. Gah, I'm obsessed with movies. After reading Perks Of Being A Wallflower (which I finished in 4 hours, quite an achievement hehe) I'm now obsessed with modern classics and also old films. I forgot how I got this movie, but I'm incredibly thankful for being able to watch this movie. It's incredibly cute and real.

Oh, about Perks Of Being A Wallflower, you should just read the book. The movie is a little disappointing and it's just exactly the same as the book. The book is good. Go for it. That book will lead you to read another book and then there goes your life. Say goodbye to your life. Goodbye life; Say hello to books. Hello books.

Sometimes, I don't even understand why I blog. Like, do people read this whole thing or do they just click into my blog accidentally and then get bored and leave? It's odd to think about. But I just like to blog because I get to speak. Speak about things I like. Which is also something I like to do.

Love always,

Monday, December 31, 2012

Short Note To Self.

*Just a short note to self.

Gah it's coming soon. 2013. Today is the last day of 2012. I went out for a haircut and stuff. The rest of the day are just my regular routine. I'm not ready for 2013. New school year aka new class aka new classmates aka new stress aka new responsibilities aka meh. But I have to face this crap anyway.

New Year Resolutions:

1. Maintain my school result - not that hard to reach actually. I just gotta study more frequently or just let it be, no matter what, I just do not want my results to drop too much.

2. 8A's for PMR - I have to get 8A's. My mum said if I do not get 8A's I will not be able to watch Taylor's perform when she's coming. Way to go, mum! Best motivation ever!!!!!!!!!!!! (note the sarcasm)

3. Nothing much just continue being a lazy student who doesn't like to attend society/club meetings and hates sports. Well I'm sorry I'm not a healthy person and not an active member of my club, I just do not like it ok. Ok.


You can see how much I do not want to step into a new year.


2013. Be good. Anyway, if anyone is reading this,

Friday, December 28, 2012


2012 is ending soon. I thought I should try and list some remarkable events/people/films/songs/albums/videos to honour such a smooth year for me.

First of all, I'd like to start with all the gun shootings in America. It's not a good thing and should not be glorified, but it's also a lesson to everyone in the world that people are losing faith in humanity. There was a The Dark Knight Rises shooting, killing innocent fans of a criminal-sweeper. Then, there's a CT shooting, killing innocent souls. Just thought we should take a little moment to think about these unfortunate events.

Now, the rest of the post will be really cheerful (and note this is a really long post. REALLY LONG POST.)

1. Jack Harries & Finn Harries

Yeah, so, yeah, I really like them. Jack started posting videos in 2011 but I only found out about them this year. They're definitely going to be famous alright, so I don't even know what to say about them, but they're just two YouTubers (twins) who make me laugh (a lot) with their videos. They're probably really rich, thus explains the great video quality; they're also very creative people, probably cause their father is a filmmaker. Finn has done some projects on his own; Jack, meanwhile, is a very entertaining comedian. I wish I was a creative person like them, so I could design cute little cartoons, but unfortunately I'm not. They're my and a lot of other girls' YouTube obsession. One of the best things of 2012. :)

2. Les Misérables and Life Of Pi

Les Mis: Well, I mean the film of course. Just watched it few hours ago, and I'm here posting about this musical film. The films this year are great, especially this and Life Of Pi. Guess I'm just tired of watching the normal Hollywood films that are explosions-filled. I think both Les Mis covers a lot of things but most of all I think the film is about having faith. Les Mis is probably the best thing after Sound Of Music. They have brought storytelling to a whole new level. The whole film's story was told in musical form and the music was recorded live along with their acting. (which is so mind-blowing!!!!!) Anne Hathaway's performance (both acting and singing) will probably earn her countless awards. Thanks to the author of this historical novel, Victor Hugo, this story finally gets told on the big screen. I'm definitely going to do some research on musical films after this.

Life Of Pi: Meanwhile Life Of Pi is really great, but I felt the storyline was slightly long-winded and the time spent on the ocean was a little bit longer than I want it to be. It covers a lot of things though-- faith, friendship, and most remarkably survivor. I really like the 3D graphics and the tiger and other fictional creatures. As an animal lover, I think these little creatures included in the film made me like it even more. They even have some meerkats in the film, I'm like aaaaaaahhhhhhhh too cute. It is not going to be loved because, yes, firstly, it is very long-winded, and secondly, there are no hot celebrities in the film. Stereotype audience. I loved the ending of the film so much. I thought it was gonna end like Inception, letting us fill the blank with our mind, but no, turns out, I weep.

3. channel ORANGE

If I were allowed to pick Album Of The Year, I'd pick this one. Red is as great as Taylor's songwriting skills, but I have to say this album is, in my opinion, better. As much as I love R&B and Soul music, (I'm kind of an all-genre person) I think R&Bs on the radios this year are really crappy. (besides Ne-Yo, he's pretty awesome) Usher used to have some smooth hits, but I'm not really a big fan of his new songs. This Frank Ocean record touches from good old 90s R&B-inspired tunes, to a reference song about Forrest Gump, (am a big fan of the movie too) to his confessions on having feelings towards male etc. "Lost" is my favorite on the first listen of this album, it is very typical R&B style, but "Forrest Gump" sounds playfully fun to me. But what makes this album so great is that it's not just about the music, it's about telling multiple stories, in a very complex way. There's a dialogue in "Not Just Money" that says, "It's not just money, it's happiness. It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad. It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets. That's what it is, it's not just money. It's so much more than that." And then the dialogue ends with "saving that seven dollars". Then continues the song "Super Rich Kids" which is the song right after its interlude "Not Just Money". People praise this album for the honesty in community-- and let's not compare our skin colour here-- any adults can agree to any of the songs on this album.

Song recommendation: "Thinking About You" because it is an ordinary love song. Everyone loves love songs.

4. Ed Sheeran

He's definitely one of the highlights of my 2012. I feel sad because I have never heard of him before "Moments". (the song he wrote for One Direction) Oh well, from now onwards I bet he's going to be really successful in a year or two. I downloaded his debut LP "+" and I just immediately loved it! It was like love at first heard. I think it's plainly because I like his musical style. To me, he's a combination of folk-hip hop-acoustic. His fast singing is also very impressive and remarkable. I think he doesn't remind me of any artists except for Eminem-- for telling stories about himself in his songs, for example in "You Need Me, I Don't Need You". (or maybe I just have poor recognition of good music artists like him) Then I started downloading his other EPs. He is one of a kind. His music is very own and original. I hope he stays the same even after overflowing success.

Song recommendation: "Give Me Love" because it is a great song. Bye.

5. Songs

John Mayer - Shadow Days

As douche-y as John Mayer is, this song is really good. He's a great musician, that is for sure. I really like this song even though I don't have it on my iPod. I think this song is written as him being the "womanizer" of the music industry, and how he regrets playing with all his past's feelings. Well, I personally think that he wrote this song for every single one of his ex, like Jennifer Aniston (yes she's one of his exes) but Taylor. I think the both of them kinda "ugh" each other. That was really cheeky. Well, who cares anyway. This song is great.

Ellie Goulding - My Blood

*please excuse me while I fangirl over this song* I'll have to tell you this song is one of my favorite songs on Ellie Goulding's record "Halcyon". Too bad she hasn't made this a single yet. If she made this as one of her singles, it'd probably get a lot of airplays and will be on the top of the charts, just like "Lights" and "Anything Could Happen". It's a breakup song probably. Well, I said "probably" because this song has a lot of blood and flesh and bleached bones. If it was a metal song I'd probably not like it because, personally I'm not a metal fan. The pre-chorus and the chorus are so great it hurts. It's so intense and emotional and haunting.

Coldplay - Charlie Brown

I do not even know why I added this song out of all the great songs on the record. Overall, I love "Mylo Xyloto" because of the interludes. I just love having surprises on a record. This song is share-worthy though. Acoustic guitar can be heard in this song alright, so it kinda stands out in the album. (and let's not mention the song title that reminds you of that little man) The album is filled with unique sounds produced by instruments/software that I can't even figure out. FYI, the album follows a love story, and this song is the fourth song on it, but I still have no idea which part of a relationship is this song about, so I googled it.... "Be like Charlie Brown, who is always getting picked on and nothing really works out for him. Always get back up again." so it's probably about a boy having a hard time trying to get to the girl.

Jason Mraz - The Freedom Song

So, this is the kind of song that I listen to when I'm bored or not in a good mood. I normally listen to happy songs to cheer me up instead of emotional songs because that'd make me feel even worse. Or maybe I create a playlist of relaxing tunes and listen to them while falling asleep. This song is extremely bubbly. Jason Mraz sounds so free when he's singing, and his voice sounds like the going-to-the-beach-and-lying-on-the-soft-sand-and-close-your-eyes-and-enjoy type, so this song is perfect in every way. I like the trumpet part and the backup vocals harmonizing. It's also a lesson. When you feel good, you sing.

Hunter Hayes - Wanted

I can't figure out any other artists, so I thought I should add a country song. This song is quite popular honestly, so you've probably heard it, but if you haven't already, try it. It's really refreshing if you're a pop person. You hear Justin Bieber & One Direction serenade girls everyday on the radio, you're probably sick of them already, so here's a sweeter, slower and more sincere love song. To me, love songs are supposed to sound like this, not the loud, annoying type. Or maybe I just prefer love songs the way it used to be. This song kinda reminds me of old love songs.

6. Videos

So, I do YouTube a lot. I'm now struggling to find good videos to post on here. So, I'm just gonna post this cover. My country has a pretty great filming crew, their username is "JinnyboyTV" if you don't mind watching their videos. They have really great videos, but the only problem is the language and the rotten English we speak in our daily lives. So, hey, this cover is great (I LOVE FRIENDS) and of course it doesn't beat the original but hey give these artists a chance. 

If you wanna watch videos on YouTube, whether they're funny, parodies, or videos to send a message, you can go to Finny's blog right HERE. Check out his "Tube Tuesday". Mind checking out his "Music Monday" too! He has great taste in music.


There are things I wanna add but damn that's a lot of things I found in 2012. Some other remarkable things are the Olympics, KONY 2012 and a lot others things that I missed out. And everyone around me doing the Gangnam dance and me staying as far away as possible from people who do the dance.


Anyway, 2013 is coming soon. I hope it's going to be good but I'll have a lot of studies to do in 2013.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas has passed though. I'm here wishing you a late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year!

I live in a country where we do not get to enjoy playing in the snow, nor do people celebrate Christmas heavily. As years go by, people in my country just become more and more ignorant about Christmas. Well, I love Christmas though. I love Christmas as much as I love salmons (and that's real love okay). Here are some reasons why...

I LOVE WINTER. Winter is just such a beautiful season. I have never experienced four seasons, so maybe that's one of the reasons why I love it so much. I just love how peaceful and quiet the streets look like, and I'll get to look out my windows, and seeing Jack Frost's beautiful work. Also, watching snowfall is something I'd really love to do before I die. Like, real snowfall. I know, people who lives in London probably got tired of the cold weather, well, I have never felt it, a winter experience will be fresh enough for me.

IT'S SO MAGICAL. This holiday season is the only time where we can believe in magical things without getting judged. I am the type of girl who loves believing in stuff that makes me feel happy and keeps my hope up. I know it's not right and we should face the real world, but I can choose to do both at the same time. It's my choice. I believe in Santa travelling around every kid's room, sending them gifts; I believe in tooth fairy collecting our teeth; I believe in Jack Frost bringing snow to the Earth. I believe in the Easter Bunny with all his Easter Eggs; I believe in Sandman bringing sweet dreams and hope to little kids; I believe in every possible thing-- because it makes me happy and feel like a kid.

CHRISTMAS SONGS. Christmas songs are a big part of making Christmas so beautiful and magical. First of all, who doesn't like Christmas songs? Second of all, everyone knows how to sing at least two or three Christmas songs. Everyone. Third of all, Christmas songs make everything seem so easy and happy. Smurfs are always happy; humans can't be happy all the time, but on this day, everything is great. Everything is fine because we stop over thinking on this day. We just celebrate happiness. Happiness, is all I ever wanted and my only desire.

CHRISTMAS NIGHTS. Gahhh, I love Christmas night. I love it so much I'm gonna dieeee. They're just so beautiful.

So, done with confessing my love for Christmas, I can now tell you how I spent my Christmas.

Woke up. Watch Friends' Christmas episodes. Had Christmas dinner at cousin sister's apartment. Watched "The Santa Clause" on the TV. That's it.

Simple. Short. But I love it. I just love celebrating Christmas for it just makes me so freaking happy and joyful. Like a little kid.

This is my cousin sister's Christmas tree (I helped decorated it too)

So, anyway, Merry Late Christmas!!! New year is coming soon, that means a new school year. I'm not prepared yet. I no longer like school. I used to have that 60% passion for school friends, now it's dropping as fast as a roller coaster drops. 0% passion. Bye school.

So, soon I'll be talking about New Year and my resolutions...? I never make resolutions. Even if I make one up, I will not work for it anyway.

Anyway, here's an incredibly cute video by JacksGap and a Christmas song that I really love :)


Monday, December 24, 2012

The Trip

So, the trip was incredibly cool, but I'm just gonna tell you about Universal Studio Singapore.

Pictures taken from web.

It's made up of seven different areas, and I'm gonna tell you each and everyone of it.

a. Hollywood
b. New York
c. Sci-Fi City
d. Ancient Egypt
e. The Lost World
f. Far Far Away
g. Madagascar

(*** means MUST-GO)


The outside of the ride
Damn, this ride's super cool, but it's a little bit too short in my opinion. I can feel the rain and heat and wind. I went for it twice. Everyone's first thought of entering the Universal Studio-- "GO FOR THE TRANSFORMERS FIRST, ALRIGHT?" EVERYONE.

2) LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Hosted by Steven Spielberg (Hollywood)***

The outside
You have to visit this place. It's super cool. It shows you a live action of a hurricane taking place in NYC. There will be explosions/quakes happening right before your eyes. BUT NO HARM. Just go for it. MUST GO.


Not the best but it's a really cute, storytelling ride. If you're bringing along kids with you, this ride is the one. You might get a little wet though.


A short short roller coaster ride. Like, I'm serious. Short. It felt like 5 seconds to me. This can be like a warm-up for the HUMAN & CYLON roller coaster ride, but brace yourselves, because HUMAN & CYLON are 10000000000000000000x scarier.

5) WATERWORLD (The Lost World)***

THIS IS A MUST-GO MY FRIEND. MUST GO. It's a live, action-packed, explosions-filled performance. I'll give the story a 4/5 rating. I'll give the cast a 5/5 though. Must hurt to free fall into the water. Also, you'll get wet depends on where you're seated. GO TRY THE SOAKED ZONE.

6) SHREK 4-D ADVENTURE (Far Far Away)

This is a fun one. You just sit there like you're in a normal theatre, except this one is way cooler than your normal 3D movies. You should go for this one too :)


If you get scared easily this is not for you. You should appreciate the walk to the ride though. I have to say it's very impressive, with all the strings and mummies and statues, very cool. However I have to say this ride is just another high-speed roller coaster, the only difference is that, you're screaming in complete darkness.


Well, this is a special show for Christmas month. I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I LOVE SNOW.


The red one. IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH THEN GO FOR IT. This one's a little bit faster than Cylon, but you can still feel the ground so it's fine.


The blue one. As I said, IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH. This one's cooler. It has a 360 degrees spin. And your legs are just not touching anything but air. OH I WENT ON THIS TWICE IT'S SO WORTH IT EXCEPT FOR THE PAIN IN MY THROAT.


Slightly disappointing. The dinosaurs aren't that scary. They should've been more real. However, the buildings and the trees are really, just like, in the movie. I got soaked wet. Get yourself a raincoat bro.

I think that's it. I also got to watch a parade. It was pretty cool. I think you can search for the videos online.

I'm now searching for videos of Universal Studios Hollywood's rides videos, I think they have cooler (and scarier rides) but Singapore has Transformers. BOO YA.



Great job, but I expect more to come soon! One day I'll be going to Universal Studios Hollywood. BAHA.
